Rec A Fic

Jan 27, 2012 18:58

“Oh, my god! You have got to read this fic ( Read more... )

fic recs

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Comments 8

dreamsofspike January 28 2012, 07:41:33 UTC
So here's my contribution :)

Title: Worthy
Author: dreamsofspike
Rating: R
Fandoms: Glee/Adam Lambert RPF
Characters/Pairings: Kurt/Adam Lambert, Kurt/Blaine (temporary)
Spoilers (if any): for season 2? it's pretty AU after Kurt goes to Dalton
Warnings (if any): slight romantic relationship between teacher and student; student is 16 (but legal to consent in the state of Ohio)
Summary: Kurt begins attending Dalton as in canon, where he finds himself fascinated with the music director, Mr. Lambert - just as his relationship with Blaine is beginning to take off. But Mr. Lambert's past holds dark secrets that begin to come back to haunt him as he and Kurt get closer. Can Adam be a friend, a support for Kurt, without it becoming something much deeper, and more dangerous, for both of them?
Status (WIP or Complete): WIP
Link to the fic:


Glee/Animorphs Fusion Fic sparklegemstone February 7 2012, 01:23:00 UTC
Title: "Everything Changes"
Author: sparklegemstone
Series: First of three stories
Fandoms: Canon-compliant Glee through the end of S2 with Animorphs aliens, technology, and minor characters
Spoilers: Through Glee S2. Minor references to S3. Basic premise spoilers for Animorphs, essentially the first book.
Genre: Sci-fi with angst/H-C/adventure
Characters/Pairings: Narrative emphasis on Kurt, Rachel, and Klaine. Also features Blaine, Artie, Tina, Puck, Finn, and Quinn. All canon pairings as of the start of season 3, but not necessarily endgame.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: See entry.
Status: WIP
Summary: The lives of a select few of McKinley High’s Glee Club are turned upside down when they are given the power to change into any animal and become unwittingly embroiled in the battle against the secret alien invasion of Earth. Can this ragtag group of teenagers actually make a difference and at what cost to themselves?

( Link to Masterpost)

This story does not presume familiarity with Animorphs.


UNITED STATES OF KURT. read this, it's amazing. also, watch the show, it's equally as good. anonymous July 10 2012, 04:55:59 UTC
Title: United States of Kurt
Author: CountingCrow16
Rating: M
Fandoms: Glee/United States of Tara
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, OC, Sebastian Smythe, Jeff, Nick, Burt Hummel, Finn Hudson, Carole Hummel-Hudson, Dalton Academy Warblers, New Directions
Pairings: Klaine, Niff, slight noncon Seblaine, canon couples.
Spoilers: none
Warnings: disorders, suicidal thoughts, self harm, homophobia, mentioned pedophilia (previously occurred, not graphic), mentioned child abuse (previously occurred, not graphic), angst
Summary: Something traumatic happened to Kurt as a child. The only problem is, he has no recollection of what happened and whatever it was caused him to develop multiple personalities to cope. DID!Kurt. Klaine/Niff
Status: Complete


TMvPpmSlLEHZ anonymous June 26 2014, 15:35:52 UTC
g0Bb7w Very good post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on...


tHZYfySrGMVuKYntrYs anonymous July 27 2014, 03:47:51 UTC
hGaYOO Great blog article.Much thanks again. Keep writing.


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