If Zombies Attacked McKinley High

Jan 06, 2010 13:49

Nothing like some cracky goodness to get us through the wait!

Picture this: It's a Saturday afternoon at McKinley High. The temperature is mild, the wind is calm and the voices of twelve students can be heard echoing through the halls. Regionals is in a few weeks and Mr. Schuester wants to get in as much practice as they can, even if it means coming in on the weekend. Emma is there to cheer on the club while Sue considers its demise in her office.

Elsewhere, not too far from the school, a pandemic ensues. Drooling, shambling, mindless zombies are running rampant through Lima and they are fast approaching McKinley High. Their arrival is inevitable. The real question is, who in the Glee Club will survive? Who will perish? And who will become one of the walking dead?

NOTE: Some rather graphic Zombie!Images below the cut.

Mercedes Jones

Attributes: Mercedes is chock-full of sass and isn't afraid to voice her opinion. If she is afraid that a certain decision could end in failure, she won't keep it to herself. Strong personalities and natural leaders are key to a groups survival, however Mercedes is known to be confrontational, rather than constructive. The tension arising from these confrontations could hamper the groups chances of making it out alive.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Mercedes is not a fragile girl. She has a strong mind and is one of the least likely of the survivors to start suffering from paranoia. She isn't heartless, but knows when to give up on a friend if they have fallen. Physically, Mercedes is built like a tractor; all power and no speed. If attacked by a single zombie, Mercedes could very well overpower it and get away. However, should a mob come after her, she may not be quick enough to escape.

Status: DEAD. Unfortunately for Mercedes, what she has in mental and physical strength, she lacks in navigational ability. After getting separated from the group with Kurt and Mike Chang, Mercedes got lost within the maze of hallways, allowing the approaching hoard to catch up to the threesome. Mercedes, being the slowest of the three, was caught and consumed.

Rachel Berry

Attributes: Rachel knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. If she wants to make Glee Club great, she'll do it. If she wants to be a Broadway star, she will be. If she wants to survive attacking zombies... well, at least she'll try her hardest! Rachel has the sort of focus that we all covet. However, that same focus also blinds her to surrounding elements. She has strong opinions, but tends to be stand-offish, resulting in others being annoyed with her. When it comes to survival, the group must be cohesive and Rachel may threaten that.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Rachel's strict and consistent health regime has ensured that has a lot of power in her small frame. She is quick on her feet and has a healthy amount of stamina to boot. As long as she isn't surrounded, Rachel could out-run a zombie any day. However, physical prowess means nothing if you're mentally unstable. Rachel is neurotic and easily manipulated and is prone to breaking down into tears.

Status: SURVIVOR. Rachel's steely determination is what helps her survive. She was able to put aside her worries and fears and focus solely on making it out alive. Her heart ached for her fallen friends, and hopelessness did seep in once or twice, but she was able to overcome her emotions and help lead the group to safety.

Sue Sylvester

Attributes: Deviousness, callousness and cunning are three adjectives that epitomize Sue Sylvester. She will do whatever it takes and take out whoever is in her way in order to survive. To her, the zombie pandemic poses a sort of macabre competition where only one side will prevail; the zombies or Sue Sylvester, and Sue Sylvester doesn't let anything get in the way of winning.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Being the coach of the Cheerios, and having a personal elliptical at work, has kept Sue Sylvester in tip-top shape. Escaping the clutches of dead citizens would be a breeze for dear old Sue. If you have ever been alone in Sue's office and managed to sneak a peek at her journal, you would have found that Sue has been preparing for a zombie invasion for some years now. As such, she is probably the most adept at defeating any zombie that gets too near.

Status: SURVIVOR. Not only did Sue survive the McKinley invasion, she took out quite a few zombies while doing it. What started out as survival turned into a game for Sue, setting up several traps and finding creative ways to dispose of the living dead. Favorites included a pencil through the eye socket and using the strings from Mr. Schuesters piano to garrot her victims. Rescuers were amazed to find that she had no contact with the other survivors and made it out alive with no assistance.

Matt Rutherford

Attributes: Unknown.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Unknown.

Status: DEAD. Nobody even noticed when Matt disappeared from their ranks.

Santana Lopez

Attributes: Being a Cheerio requires a healthy amount of discipline and the ability to learn quickly. Sue Sylvester does not tolerate slackers. As such, Santana would have the mental ability to cool her heels and wait for the right moment to move, rather than panic and rush forward. She has not shown any real leadership abilities and hasn't always been a team player. However, in a situation of survival, you must look out for yourself and yourself only.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Sue Sylvester's rigorous training has honed Santana's speed, endurance and strength into something all zombie survivors envy. However, Santana is quick to mock others and has a cruel streak within her that could turn the group against itself. She is independent of the group and if an opportunity arose in which she could safely separate herself, she would take it.

Status: DEAD. Sadly for Santana, that's exactly what she did. She thought it was moronic for the group to head into the science wing, a maze of tight hallways far from the exits, so Santana quietly slipped away to find her own way to safety. However, less people means less eyes to spot hazards. After slipping on a pool of blood, Santana found herself with a broken ankle and nobody to help her along. It was only a matter of time before the zombies found her.

Artie Abrams

Attributes: Speed, agility and strength are three things that everybody needs to possess if they are to survive a zombie attack. Artie possess none of these traits. Running feet will always be quicker than spinning wheels, the ability to dodge is seriously hampered when in a bulky chair, and strength would be a tricky thing to exert when in an unstable device. What Artie lacks in physical ability, however, he makes up for in charm and ideas. He is well liked by the entire group and they would likely rally behind Artie and offer him special security because of his disability.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Physically, Artie is a disadvantage to the entire group. Any time a pathway is blocked with bodies or debris, Artie must be carried over. Any time the group wishes to change floors, Artie must be carried. It's a hassle and a drain and Artie can't give anything physical in return. Artie is, however, a gamer and has formed a somewhat tactical mind. Strategy is Artie's middle name and the ability to see the bigger picture is essential.

Status: ZOMBIE. Sadly for Artie, his strategic prowess would never be put to the test. While taking a break from rehearsal, the Glee club heard a mighty ruckus coming from outside. They stepped out into the hallway to investigate, only to see a swarm of zombies flooding through the front doors. In the immediate panic that followed, Artie's chair was knocked over, tossing him to the ground. Without the ability to move, Artie didn't stand a chance.

Poor Artie...

Finn Hudson

Attributes: Finn is probably the biggest powerhouse of the group. Standing tall at 6'3" and having an athlete's build is a major advantage when it comes to the living dead. Should a zombie get too close, Finn could take a good swing at its head and neutralize the threat with relative ease. Beyond physicality, Finn would act as the moral compass of the group, trying to separate right from wrong and attempting to keep morale as high as possible. He may not have the greatest mind for thinking, but he surely has the biggest heart.

Mental and Physical Toughness: As mentioned, Finn could take on two, maybe even three zombies and come out on top. His physique not only gives him an advantage in battle, but also allows him to build barricades quickly. Mentally, Finn would struggle. He would put on a brave face for his friends, but would secretly mourn for those who have fallen. If grief should become too overwhelming, Finn is at risk of simply giving up.

Status: ZOMBIE. After the initial panic and flight through the hallways, Finn was the first to notice Artie's absence. He was also the first (and only) person to return to Artie's side. As he rounded the corner, he saw a zombie munching on Artie's leg. With a swift kick to the face, the zombie was dislodged... however, the injury to Artie's leg seemed severe. Not willing to leave his friend behind, Finn hauled Artie onto his back and retreated to be with the group. Almost an hour later, while still being hauled around by Finn, Artie expired... but not for very long. Within a few minutes, he had reanimated and sunk his teeth into Finn's neck. After that, it was only a matter of time before Finn turned, too.

Poor Finn...

Noah "Puck" Puckerman

Attributes: Puck is street wise and knows his way around a fight. Whereas Artie spent his youth beating Dr. Robotnik with a spiky blue hedgehog, Puck spent his childhood beating up other kids. From his numerous scuffles, Puck has developed a fine sense of real battle and has built up a respectable amount of muscle mass. Puck is known to be terribly persuasive, especially with the ladies, but isn't known for his mental capabilities. Should he decide to schmooze some of survivors into a bad plan, they could all be at risk.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Physically, Puck is comparable to Finn. Built well, good agility, high endurance. With some sort of improvised weapon, zombies could never get closer than a few feet away. Mentally, Puck does well under pressure. With all the trouble Puck has been in with authority figures, he has learned to think on his feet. However, Puck is another member of the group with a strong personality and could cause dissension.

Status: SURVIVOR. Puck has one singular advantage that nobody else did: a gun. He had traded a bunch of weed for it a week previously and felt powerful having it around. It just so happened to be on his person when the zombie attack ensued. He only had fifteen bullets for it, but those proved to be fifteen useful bullets indeed. Along with his long distance weapon, Puck's strength and quick thinking helped the survivors reach safety.

Emma Pillsbury

Attributes: Being one one of the only adults in the school, Emma's sense of responsibility is among the strongest of the entire group. It has been shown that she is willing to do whatever is right for the kids, even if it might mean falling out of favor with Will. Her ability to get the group to look on the bright side of things might help keep hopelessness away, allowing the group to focus on survival. However, her mental illness may prove to be too much to handle by the others.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Physically, Emma is a wisp of a woman. Thin, fragile and not at all athletic. The fact that she would probably be wearing heals would put her at a major disadvantage should she need to flee quickly. Mentally, Emma might quickly descend into a state of panic and paranoia. The amount of guts and gore that result from a zombie attack would surely send Emma into a tailspin.

Status: DEAD. Sadly for Emma, the stress of all the unhygienic bodily fluids and the mess they leave on the floor was too much for Emma to bear. While on the second story Emma suffered a psychotic break. She broke away from the group after seeing a particularly unsavory scene in the hallways and hurled herself out of one of the windows, falling to her death.

Tina Cohen-Chang

Attributes: Tina has always been on the quiet side, so not too much is known about her personality, although she seems pleasant enough. She has been seen to be self-sacrificing for the betterment of the team and has shown a healthy amount of concern for her friends when they are in need. Tina is not leadership material and would probably offer little in the way of strategy or planning. She would simply melt into the background and follow the leader, no matter how silly their plan might be.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Physically, Tina seems pretty average. She isn't an athlete, but she seems to be in shape. She could probably outrun a zombie over a short distance, but keeping a solid pace for an extended period of time may be difficult. Mentally, Tina very well may withdraw into herself and utter not a peep. Should she get separated from the group, her mental capacity to survive is practically nil. However, with a strong leader to guide her, Tina just might make it out alive.

Status: SURVIVOR. I like Tina, so she gets to live.

Kurt Hummel

Attributes: While Kurt has never shown true leading ability, he is never afraid to stand up for himself or for others. He is feisty and tends to form tight cliques, either ignoring those who are not in it, or treating them with disdain. This attitude could be a detriment to the group, causing fractures and threatening cohesiveness. Kurt's abundance of clothes could serve to be quite valuable. Having lots of fabric means plenty of impromptu bandages or the ability to build a rope line.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Although on the football team, Kurt is still kind of a wimp. A one-on-one battle with a zombie would end disastrously for Kurt, although his obsessive dancing to Beyonce has earned him some endurance points. Mentally, Kurt might not handle the disaster well. Being asked to rip a Dolce and Gabbana scarf to wrap it around a bleeding wound might to be something Kurt would be able to do. If annoyed or challenged, Kurt may get haughty and storm off.

Status: ZOMBIE. If only Kurt had allowed his scarf to be used as a bandage. Saving Mercedes was hopeless, so Kurt and Mike Chang made a break for it. Unfortunately, the scarf that flew out behind Kurt as he ran acted as a fishing line for the zombies. One swift tug and Kurt was on the ground with a zombie gnawing on his face. He managed to squirm away, but was left to wander the hallways alone until he turned.

Poor Kurt...

Mike Chang

Attributes: Not a lot is known about Mike Chang, but what is known is almost all positive. He is an athlete, already giving him an advantage over most others. More than simply being an athlete, Mike Chang is a dancer. He has an acute awareness of his body and is able to dodge with ease. It has also been shown that Mike Chang is able to think quickly and put together a plan under pressure, leading to the Glee club's success at sectionals. However, Mike Chang isn't known for being particularly vocal about his opinions and wouldn't likely voice his concerns.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Mike Chang doesn't have the brute strength that Finn or Puck possesses, but he is agile and could probably take out a zombie with more finesse than the powerhouses. Mentally, it's hard to say. He seems unafraid and rather ballsy, but not enough is known to make any accurate presumptions.

Status: SURVIVOR. After Mercedes' and Kurt's demises, Mike Chang found himself alone. However through some smooth moves and quick thinking, he was able to pop and lock his way to safety.


Attributes: What Brittany lacks in brains, she certainly makes up for in heart. Should anybody fall into despair, Brittany would be the first to think of a clever anecdote involving one or more unicorns. Although the tales would likely have little relevance to the current situation, her attempts may cheer up her group. Brittany is probably the most athletic of the girls and may be of use in a hand to hand zombie battle.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Having no thoughts does not mean one is not mentally tough. Under the regime of Sue Sylvester, Brittany had learned discipline and how to adapt to an incredibly demanding situation. Dancers are known to suffer a multitude of injuries and are expected to carry on regardless. Because of this, Brittany's ability to deal with pain surpasses all others in the group.

Status: SURVIVOR. As Sun Tzu once said: "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy". Luckily for the group, Brittany was already rather mindless and could understand the zombies better than anybody, making her a key strategist in their quest for survival.

Will Schuester

Attributes: A natural leader. Not only that, but Will has the experience and authority to help guide the group through the infested hallways of McKinley High. The kids look to him for help and he has the self confidence to rise to the task. Evidence has shown that Mr. Schuester has an enviable body, but we have not yet seen that body put to the test. However, Will has a tendency to think that his word is the last word and anybody who challenges him is met with passive aggressiveness or outright disdain.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Being an adult, Will has more capabilities to assess the situation around him and act accordingly without panic. He seems secure in who he is and what he must do to survive, even if it means leaving somebody behind. He seems to have a fair amount of strength and could no doubt defeat a zombie one a one on one basis. It has been shown that he is willing to take a hit for the betterment of the group.

Status: DEAD. Will dies a hero's death. It wasn't long after the group had barricaded themselves in the cafeteria that the zombies found their location. Within a few minutes the pressure of dozens of bodies on the doors was breaking their barricade down. Will rushed forward the throw his body weight against the doors and instructed the kids to escape while they could. The kids made it out safely, but poor Will was overcome by the zombies as they finally broke through.

Quinn Fabray

Attributes: Quinn is a strong willed individual who will lie, cheat and deceive to get exactly what she wants. Although she certainly cares for her friends, she wouldn't hesitate to leave them behind if they were to become a hindrance. She is, after all, fighting for two! Rather than diffuse a tense situation, Quinn's catty personality could serve to fuel the fire. Quinn is one of the only Cheerios to be on the honor roll, so her intelligence may serve the group.

Mental and Physical Toughness: Quinn is at a severe disadvantage with her pregnancy. Her endurance is short, her speed is hampered and she must use the restroom frequently. However, her situation is understood by her friends and they would likely accommodate, no matter the inconvenience. Being pregnant is an emotional roller coaster that can cause frequent and intense mood swings. Thankfully, Quinn seems to have her outbursts somewhat in check and is more or less able to focus on whatever task is at hand.

Status: ZOMBIE. Quinn was the unfortunate victim of fate, better known as the 'terrible zombie movie twist'. Mere minutes before the rescue helicopter came, Quinn, still being pregnant, had a desperate urge to use the potty. She slunk away to an area of the school that they had all assumed was blocked off and safe. Little did she know that one zombie had made it to that area while he was still alive and was now wandering alone. Poor Quinn met Poor Kurt in an abandoned hallway. Grateful to see her friend again, she rushed towards him... only to find out he was a member of the living dead! Kurt took a bite out of Quinn's forearm before she could escape back to the group of survivors. Hiding her injury from the others, she boarded the rescue helicopter. Hours later, in the rescue camp, the infection sent her into premature labor. Quinn gave birth... to a zombie!baby! and then promptly turned into a zombie herself.

Poor Quinn...

Poor Drizzle!


That was entirely too much fun to do.

character: emma pillsbury, character: brittany pierce, character: mike chang, character: santana lopez, character: matt rutherford, character: kurt hummel, character: quinn fabray, character: artie abrams, character: tina cohen-chang, character: sue sylvester, character: finn hudson, character: mercedes jones, fanmade: other, character: rachel berry, character: noah "puck" puckerman, character: will schuester

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