Title: A Father's Wish
Author: Mir
Pairing/Character: Mention of Puck/Kurt, Burt
Warning: Slash
Rated: T
Spoilers: Up until the Season Finale
kiramaru7Words: 385
Summary: Burt wishes the best for his son.
Burt had known that Kurt was gay the moment he asked for a pair of sensible heels for his birthday. He loved his son no matter what, but there were things the mechanic wished he could change. He wanted Kurt to trust him more. Burt had been hurt that he hadn’t come out to him sooner. Sure he was still processing the fact that his only son would never be with a girl, but Kurt should have known that he could have told his dad he killed someone and the mechanic still would have loved him. Kurt was the one good thing in his life now that his wife was gone and there was nothing that could ever change the way he felt about his son.
Burt knew the obstacles Kurt faced in life. No matter how much his son tried to hide the pain, the mechanic wasn’t as blind to the bullying Kurt endured. Well aware of the slushie facials, the pee balloons, and anything else done to humiliate his boy, Burt had gone down to the school to complain to Principal Figgins, but nothing helped. No matter how hard Burt wished that the world would change; it didn’t. Things, however, never changed in a place like Lima, Ohio and still Kurt went to school every day with his head held high.
His son would get out of this town one day; the mechanic had no doubt about it. Kurt was a star that shone too brightly to stay in a place such as Lima. And although Burt would miss him, he knew eventually he would have to let his son go.
Yes, there were a lot of things he wished for Kurt. Burt had always hoped that his son would find someone who loved him just as much as his wife used to love him. The clueless mechanic, however, was unaware that Kurt had already found that person. Noah Puckerman might have been a foul mouthed jerk, but he loved the countertenor with all his heart.
So when Burt finally found out about them, he wished them all the joy in the world. He knew it wouldn’t be easy but he had faith that love would keep them together.