GET UP ON THIS! (ooh baby baby)

Jun 07, 2010 06:08

Are you ready? It’s sign-up time! Unlike a sans-wine coolers Quinn Fabray, the mods here at gleefics believe firmly in the teasing and the pleasing. That’s why we are giddy with delight at rolling out the 2010 Hot Summer Nights Fic Exchange!

Feeling bittersweet about the Glee finale tomorrow? Don’t be! We’re going to keep the excitement rolling all summer long at this community, and the main event is our second fic exchange. Here is an additional graphic that you can steal if you want to help spread the word!

Just in case you’ve never participated in one of these before, here’s the basic premise: everyone participating writes a story for someone else and gets one in return. It’s like a Secret Santa exchange - you won’t know who wrote your story until the very end!

Sign-ups will start today, June 7th, and go through 11:59 p.m. EST next Tuesday, June 15th. You will have your assignment sent to your e-mail address by June 23rd, and have at least a month to finish your story and e-mail it to us at


  • All stories must be rated R or NC-17. Subject matter can be vanilla or as kinky as your freaky little mind can dream up, but this is a smut exchange.
  • Every story submitted must be complete and must have been beta-read. Don’t break this one unless you are pretty sure you won’t be caught. If your story is a minefield of typos and grammar!fail, it won't be posted.
  • There is a minimum word count of 1,000 words, but no maximum. Let your imagination run wild!
  • No RPF or crossovers.
  • Although we ask what characters/pairings you prefer to write about, we cannot 100% guarantee perfect matches. After all, we can’t control the prompts that come in. Therefore, we want you to know in advance that you are free to place limits on what you are willing to write, but we may be unable to assign you a spot in the exchange if you are very picky and we don’t have a corresponding prompt. Refusing to write anything but Kendra/Kurt is going to make it tough on us; know what I mean?
  • Despite our previous announcement to the contrary, we are not going to limit sign-ups from the start. We do reserve the right to close sign-ups early if the number of participants grows unwieldy, however. Sign up early!
  • This is a SECRET exchange! Please don’t share your story/recipient/prompt (with anyone except your beta) in any way until we’ve posted the masterlist. It’ll totally ruin the fun.
  • Please type the phrase “You’re a slut, Will Schuester!” in the subject line of your comment, so we know that you’ve read and understand the rules.

To submit your sign-up, copy and paste this form into a comment. All comments will be screened, which means that only the mods and yourself can see your entry. Make sure you fill in every field! A valid e-mail address is necessary for participation in the exchange, since your assignment will be sent there along with reminders and updates.

Email address:
LJ name:

Character(s) or pairing(s):
Do you prefer R or NC-17 smut?:
Prompts (minimum of 3, no maximum!):


Things you DON’T want in your story (kinks or sex acts that gross you out, characters you despise, etc.):

Anything you can’t or won’t write about?:(see above)
Do you have a preference for pairing(s), and are there any that you WILL NOT write?:

Please don’t hesitate to give us a holler at if you have any questions or comments, or PM andbless_mybaby. bklyangel is having some computer problems at the moment, so it would probably be best to try Steph first.

Exchange graphics generously made by forsillyfools.

! hot summer nights fic exchange

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