Title: Learning to Speak (All My Instincts Epilogue)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Anderberry siblings universe
Word Count: 9300 words. Yup. That’s how long it takes them to say ‘yes’.
Fun things you may want to be warned about: Sex. Between Kurt and Blaine. Also phone sex. Lots of communication.
Thank You: To the amazing Buckeyegrrl for the
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Comments 9
It's sweet, and tame, but still hot. Somehow that's just Kurt and Blaine ;)
The whole talking and feeling and waiting is just so THEM, it's beautiful and young and innocent and they are so in love, oh GOD these two *all the sobbing*
I am working on a post-Original Song gap filler story that started out as a ficlet but that I will publish on LJ as one story with 4 parts that can be 4 separate ficlets. Should be up in a few days.
I am also posting ficlets and drabbles on tumblr more frequently so please come follow me there too - gleekto@tumblr
Welcome to klaine fandom fanfiction - we are a fandom with no shortage of brilliant, prolific writers. I am constantly blown away. :)
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