The Dice Prompter Challenge is closed, banners will be delivered between Friday and Saturday for those who met the deadline. This activity may come back, coming soon is the WWC.
Hello everyone, this is our new activity here at the comm. It’s a Dice Prompter Meme and you can play it following the instructions bellow. Comment with your prompt, you will receive a dice set. Fill the prompt generated, leaving us a link.
There isn’t a minimum or maximum word count, the timeline is from the 27 (today) until the 5th. Finishing on time will grant you a banner!
The basic way of playing:
1- Leave a comment in this post with this form:
Username:Prompt Tables you don’t want : (the one’s that you are triggered about or just prefer not to write) 2- I’ll go to
this site, and take the numbers that appear, reply to your comment.
Each dice number I give you will mean:
Dice 1 - List A,B,C (not considering the one’s you requested to be left out) (numbers 1, 4 is list A; 2,5 is B, 3,6 is C)
Dice 2 - Table 1,2,3,4 (numbers 5 or 6 will grant you choosing yourself)
Dice 3 - Mpreg Character
Dice 4 - Prompt
*You can choose any of the tables, we know some prompts may be triggering, so to make this the best experience, let us know through the form which one’s you don’t want.
* We are also providing 3 character tables, to spike things out and give some love to characters that don’t usually get mpreg.
EX: If you choose to leave out List A and Mpreg Prompts Table, and get 1 - 3 - 4 - 6 dice number set, it means you will have the following prompt:
- List B (number one because A was removed, B will be 1,2,3 and C 4,5,6); Table 3- Fluff Prompts; preg!Adam (number 4 in B List); Prompt 6 (from the Fluff Table) Teasing.
3- Write, when you finish leave a new comment replying to your thread with the subject line :
FILL - Title - Rating - Warnings (if applicable).
* If you wish you can also include a full header (
see the community’s rules).
4- If you want you can ask for a new dice set. Just reply in a new comment to the post. One week after we wrap up, I will post the banner’s.
Characters Tables
List A
1.Kurt Hummel
2.Blaine Anderson
3.Finn Hudson
4.Noah Puckerman
5.Sam Evans
6.Mike Chang
List B
1.Sebastian Smythe
2.Dave Karofsky
3.Chandler Kiehl
4.Adam Crawford
5.Matt Rutherford
6.Artie Abrams
List c
1.Will Shuester
2.female character****
4. Season 4**
5. Older Character***
6.Cooper Anderson
*not named in any table
** Any new Season Four Character not named in any table (Wade, Brody, Jake, etc.)
*** Professors, parents,and any other older character ,not named in any table.
**** genderbended or simply pairing with any mpreg!character or any other way incorporating mpreg, but focusing on one of the ladies.
Prompt Tables
1-H/C Prompts
3.cuddling prompt
6.nervous breakdown
2-Kink Prompts
2.sensory deprivation toys
4.d/s dynamic
5.vanilla sex prompt
3-Fluff Prompts
2.Learning to love prompt
4.Sharing food / drink
4-Mpreg Prompts prompt
2.braxton hicks shower
4.Sex life post baby
6.Introducing Baby to estranged family
(prompts were taken from the wwc, the hc_bingo, the kink_bingo, the Cotton Candy Bingo prompt lists)
*+* The prompts can be interpreted as creatively/open/restrict as you want. All community’s rules aply, so Mpreg should be a central theme even if you choose prompts from the other tables.
Happy Writing! Any problems let us know.