Name: Natalie.
Age: Seventeen.
Previously stamped as: Quinn Fabray.
5 positive adjectives to describe you: Internally strong, imaginative, friendly, intelligent, funny.
5 negative adjectives to describe you: Sensitive, anxious, lazy, feisty, bossy.
Likes: A lot of things... I really like all kinds of journals, because it's always fun to remeber how silly you was. Also pretty things, Europe (especially England, France and Belgium), all kinds of girly stuff, korean fashion, hanging out with my bffs, animanga, rain, night time with a lot of lights all over the place, books, music, smiling, having fun, cooking, romantic movies/books, smart ass humour, long talks about nothing.
Dislikes: Having to take a lot of medicine (which happens often, damn my mom and her selling medicine...), gay guys who seriously are losing it, emo, drugs, having to breathe smoky air, boiled vegeatebles, bitter chocolate and bitter things in general, life beng unfair, having a bad academic progress, being left alone.
Fears: Losing someone important to me, not being accepted.
Hobbies: Reading, it's one of my passions in life: I get so very excited and emotional whenever I read an awesome book and sometimes I look very, very silly when I'm reading and smiling; drawing, I always make sketches of weird fluffy people/clothing with various expressions (and I tend to actually mimic their expressions!) when I'm bored, especially at school; internet... I can't live without it! lol. No, actually, my sister and I had a bet to see if I can not use internet for two days and of course, I won that bet. There goes my competitive spirit :)
Guilty pleasures: Hmmm... buying Disney goods or just stuff for kids? For some reason, I really like doing that, but that's considered silly and immature, so yeah.
Your view on love/relationships? I'm a very romantic person who believes that everyone needs to be loved, even if they don't want to admit that. Say, would you really not want butterflies fluttering in your stomache? I don't believe in love at first sight though, I think it's nonsense. You have to know someone before loving them. Or soulmates... I actually don't care about that. They may exist, but I'm not interested. My current love life in nonexistent, but I hope it'll change someday! :)
How do you approach adversity (eg: if things don’t go according to plan)?: Try to make them go according to my plan or leave it alone and sulk a bit, depends on how much I want this plan to work.
Imagine that you are an actress on Glee, what kind of work would you like to do besides Glee?
[] Commercials
[ x ] Voice acting
[] Modeling
[] Theatre
[] Musicals
[] Reality TV
[ x ] Movies
[ x ] Directing
[] Talkshow host
[] Start your own brand
[] Something else? ...
Name a few actresses that you like (who are not on Glee) and tell us why you like them: Kirsten Dunst, she's a very charismatic actress whose acting just makes you love any kind of character she plays. Karen Gillan, same to lesser extents, plus she looks extremely pretty and her style is very great. Chirstina Ricci, again, she makes me love her characters so much. I also quite like Vivien Leigh for her inner strength and for playing Scarlett O'Hara :)
If you could play the role of any fictional character who would that be? Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and Anya from Anastasia.
Would you have a problem with scenes of a sexual nature? I would, because I'm very easily flustered and anxious about things in general, haha.
Which of the Glee actresses do you relate to the least? (Please choose only one or two) Amber, Jenna.
Anything else you'd like to add? Nope.