Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Gender: Female
Do you mind if you are stamped as a character of the opposite sex? Either gender is fine. Stamp me with whoever you think fits best.
♦ What are three positive words you'd use to describe yourself?Open, Loyal, Brave
♦ What are three negative words? Lazy, Dense, Irresponsible
♦ Would you say you are outspoken or more inwardly driven? I'm not outspoken. I don't like conflict, but I'm not afraid to speak my mind either. So, I'd say I'm a nice blend of both. I'm definitely extroverted. I just wouldn't call it 'outspoken'.
♦ Name some of your favorite music artists: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Peggy Lee, The Beatles, Metallica (their older stuff at least), The Cardigans, No Doubt, Cranberries, Savage Garden, Matchbox 20, Maroon 5, Norah Jones, Michael Buble, Josh Groban. -As you can see, I'm fairly eclectic. I definitely favor my big band and swing, though.
♦ Name some of your favorite movies:The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter (ehh some of them anyway, I prefer the books), The Labyrinth, Star Wars (at least the original 3), Indiana Jones, Never Ending Story, Legend, The Secret Garden, A Knight's Tale, The Other Boleyn Girl, Pan's Labyrinth, Kick Ass, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, classic Rambo...
♦ What are some of your talents? I'm a jack of all trades. I can do just about anything. However, I'm not particularly GOOD at anything, either. I'm a DECENT artist (entirely self taught, more cartoony than anything). I'm great with kids. I'm a people person. Is being nice a talent?
♦ What are some of your hobbies? Reading, Video games, Table Top RPGs (like DnD), internet, but really? I'm more the kind of person who prefers to be OUT. I like to go places and do things, anything really, so long as I'm with friends. I get bored and stir crazy sitting around indoors.
♦ What are your goals for your future? You can be as specific as you want: I have no goals, nothing SPECIFIC anyway. I don't believe in planning. I believe in DOING. I live for the moment. I scrape by the BARE MIN. amount of planning that I have to do in order to be a responsible adult. I plan to pay bills. I plan to go to work etc. Aside from that every day is a surprise and I prefer to keep it that way.
♦ How would you go about achieving your goals?I don't have goals. I suppose if I did, though. I'd just do it. I mean, goals are usually pretty specific right? Just do it.
♦ What do you think makes a person special? What makes a good friend or boyfriend/girlfriend?A person makes a person special. It's really very simple and not worth over thinking. There's something worth liking in just about everyone. As far as dating goes? I'd like to have common interests, a shared attraction, and hope to develop genuine affection. I couldn't ask for anything more than that. I'm something of a romantic, but I don't over complicate relationships. It's not worth all the fuss. If you care about someone you care about them. If someone cares about you, that's wonderful, if they don't- sucks to be them. I am not the sort to brood over something like that.
If an employer were to call someone who knew you well and asked them to sum you up in one word, what do you think that person would say? Agreeable
High school can be a great experience, or a bad one. If you're in high school now, what is it like for you? If you're not anymore, what was it like? High school was great for me. Home life wasn't. I spent a lot of time at school so that I could avoid going home. I was popular in an understated sort of way. I was well known and generally liked. I was really sheltered and very painfulllllly naive at the time. Lots of people, even my underclassmen, tended to baby me, fuss over me, like I was everyone's little sister. I used to hate it, but I sort of embraced it too.
What sort of activities do you like to participate in at school? When I was in High School, I took AP Theater. I was in the Shakespeare Club. I was on the speach/debate team. I was in the Environmental Club. I was on the Gay/Straight Alliance. I served in student council all four years as a senator. I was also on the Pep Team (Louder than cheerleaders, without all the dancing LOL).
Labels are sometimes a downside to the school experience (life experience, too). Did you get labeled in school? I was the geek princess. I hung out, for the most part, with guys. Girls bored me so much at that age. We just didn't have any common interests. While other girls were gushing over who was cute and shopping or whatever, I was more interested in playing Magic the Gathering or having pokemon battles with my guy friends. Ha ha. I was the ONLY girl in my click. There was a severe shortage of geek girls at my school apparently. Anyway-- that was a nickname I had for awhile, geek princess. I had some friends who probably would have labeled me as preppy- just because I was into pep club and student council. I think I was a Geek more than anything.
What do you think is universal advice everyone should have? It can be something you feel strongly about, something you've learned from life, anything: Live and let live. Don't sweat the small stuff...
You notice the school bully patrolling the hallway, and he or she is picking on someone who looks clearly upset. What would you do? Stop the bully, obviously. I'd be civilized about it. I'm not very good with my fists, ya know. LOL. So if the bully got violent, I would have taken the issue to a teacher at that point. If teachers were unwilling to help-- I'd rally support where ever else I could find it. One thing for sure- I wouldn't stand by and do nothing.
The boy or girl you've had a huge crush on for a long time has been paying attention to you. You catch him or her smiling at you in class, staring at you from across the hall. How would you react when he or she finally approaches you? I wouldn't. I'm pretty much the same person no matter who I am talking to. I would treat my crush the same way I'd treat my best friend. The difference would be... that I would TELL my crush about said crush, directly, bluntly, as soon as I became aware of it. I wear my heart on my sleeve. If my crush rejected me it would be there loss. But that's my perspective NOW as an adult. As a teen in high school- I was totally different. Back then I was all smiles and blushing. LOL
Social status is important to some students. Would it matter to you that being a member of Glee Club would make you seemingly uncool to others? Does it matter to you to fit in?Nah- I've never cared about 'fitting in' I only care about 'being nice', and those are two totally different things. I want people to think well of me in the sense that I want them to think I am a kind and good person. They can think I'm a freak all they want. I just don't want anyone to think of me as rude or mean etc
So you're stuck in the middle. One group of friends wants you to go and hang with the cool crowd and ditch your new friends who may not be perceived as popular. What would you decide to do? I'd try to find a way for EVERYONE to get together. If that didn't work out, though? I'd stick with my real friends, because REAL friends ARE the cool kids if you ask me.
Glee is about different people and the human experience, and it's also about music! What five songs would you say fit your life well? 1- Canon in D by Pachelbel (it just sounds right, I can't really explain it), 2-With a Little Help from My Friends by The Beatles, 3-Soak up The Sun by Sheryl Crow, 4- All About Us by Tatu (Reflects the close relationship I have with my best friend), 5-Amazed by Lonestar (my song with my husband)
Which character from the options do you feel you are LEAST like? Please elaborate: Probably Sue, because I have zero ambition and ambition seems to be all that she is made of.
**OPTIONAL** If you have a photo or two you'd like to share, please share them here. Not necessary, of course!
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