Thank you to the ever amazing
Possessionista for finding out that Rachel's amazing striped coat is sadly vintage. All images from our affiliate
Coat: Vintage (via
The Possessionista)
Bag: Mulberry for Target Mini Crossbody Bag $29.99 (via
Shoes: Anthropologie Miss Albright Lemon Stick Wedges
$148 (via
Top: BUSOG Custom 1 of 1 Graffiti shirt with Panda Sal spray can (thanks to the folks over at BUSOG for messaging me with the info!)
Image via Photoframd
Dress: Anthropologie Plenty by Tracy Reese Mompos Dress $228 (via
Shoes: Anthropologie Lucky Penny City Spectator Wedges $168 (via
goldenmeans) / Also worn in:
Original Songs
Purple dress shirt. Tailcoat. Black hair capelet. Tie/fringe thing. Diamante top hat and cane brooch. Russian Cossack hat. Black skinnys. Dr Marten Boots.
This is too epic, I can't even....