Sign-ups will be open OCTOBER 10th 8th through OCTOBER 31st
Please make sure to read the
RULES prior to signing up
About You:LJ user name:Active email address:Are you an artist or a writer? (Optional) Someone to contact that can help the writer/artist with questions about your likes/dislikes OR a link to a post in your journal about your likes/dislikes:
About the Gift You Are Requesting:Type - Fiction / Artwork / Doesn't Matter:Rating - PG-13 and under / R and over / Doesn't Matter:Pairings/Characters You Like: Please limit your requested pairings to 3-5
Pairings/Characters You DON'T Like:Kinks / Likes:Squicks / Dislikes:Is a total AU ok? What about crossovers? Only Canon?(Optional) Suggested Scenarios: Please limit yourself to 3-5 scenarios here. (At least 2 should be winter/holiday themed)
What You'll Give--be specific otherwise you may get an assignment you're not comfortable with!Pairings You'll Write:Genres:Kinks (you're comfortable writing):Squicks/Kinks you won't write:Canon you know: (Through which episode)
Characters/Pairings you won't write: Other:Have you read and agreed to the rules?Are you willing to pinch-hit? Comments are screened