Glee Write Off (Unofficial Rules - as written by vsquared_k) & Round Robin (Rules to be determined)

Nov 21, 2010 17:36

Glee Write Off: Unofficial Rules

1) In order to take part in the Write Off, you must be the first to call dibs on continuing. If you are the second person to call dibs, you have not called dibs. You must check to ensure you are, in fact, the first to call dibs.

2) You have 1 week from when you call dibs to finish the next chapter. If you realize that is not enough time, or Real Life gets in the way, make sure you inform people somehow.

3) Keep it smut-free for as long as you possibly can.There can be sex, just not smut. First person to add smut loses the Write Off, and must complete the story in their chapter, tying up all loose ends.

4) Please try to make chapters 1000+ words. However, Quality before Quantity, really...

5) You MUST link to this post. It is incredibly important to link to this post. Rules, like metaphors, are important.

6) Link to the previous chapters in your descriptions, or link here (the masterlist?). This is important for the people just starting to read the Write Off, so they can catch up (since it’s not on one singular person’s profile at the moment).

7) Note me when you call dibs, complete the chapter, or start your own write off, so I can place you under the listings.

8) Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification from the previous authors about plot points or whatever... We shouldn’t bite... much.

9) Have fun!

10) For the sake of having a tenth rule, I have written this. It is a place holder until I can think of a tenth rule... It's my OCDs fault.

Write Offs

In Progress

Worst Superpower Ever Prologue (written byvsquared_k)
Chapter 1 (written byllaurorall)
Chapter 2 (written by first_love88)
Chapter 3 (written by rainbowruse)
Chapter 4 (written by shyath)
Chapter 5 (written by vsquared_k)
Chapter 6 (written by kiarcheo)
Chapter 7 (written bybladeddarkness)
Chapter 8 (written by queengreen)
Chapter 9 (written by cranberry_pi)

Round Robins

At this time, no round robins are in progress.

Community Rules

1) You must be a member of the community to post.


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