
Oct 16, 2008 20:58

Oooh! I Love the old skool movie credits!

Of course Ben wrote this. Of course.

Ah, Metallicar looks gorgeous in black and white,because she is black and white. :)

I guess this is a total sop to those who want "good old-fashioned monster hunt" eposodes, eh?

Mmm, suits in black and white.

Have we ever actually seen Sam eat before?

What were the fake names? I missed hearing them. AC/DC members?

Hee! You and John McCain, Dean. You're vmavericks all right!

Beer and bar wenches! \o/

Nice way to explain Dean's smooth, scar-free body (why did the tattoo stay, I wonder? Because it was bound on with magic, perhaps?)

Oh, Dean, do you even know what you're saying? *waits for fandom's inevitable response to Dean's rehymenization*

I did love that old-skool Sam and Dean dynamic there.

I love flummoxed Sam and Dean. They are extra-pretty that way.

Ooooh, Dean said "reiterate." That fills me with glee for some reason. *g*

Wow, second shot of Sam actually eating! I guess Edlund wanted to kill that cliche.

So, what do the bar wenches have to do with this and why does that one keep lip printing?

Don't the guys usually wait until the cops are well-gone before they start poking around?

Why, yes, Sam, it is stupid. Damned entertaining, though!

He didn't rip his actual ear off, so what's up there? This is a good and twisted mystery, I have no idea what's going on.

Shapeshifter? Yep. How handy.

Oh, Dean, such a meta smartass.

Interesting, the other bartender is named Lucy, nice tie-in for the Dracula thing, because she's gotta be involved.

Wow, Dean is telling the whole story to someone other than Cassie. Except she understands it a lot better. I like her.


Wow, I need to see more Dean kissing. A lot more. Mmmm.

Lucy is totally the shifter, not Ed. I am convinced of it. He's too easy.

Sam, the gun isn't gonna help if Ed is the shifter. And if he is the shifter, he's totally working some Phantom of the Opera mojo. But, of course, he isn't.

I do love it when Sam discovers he's wrong. He looks so concerned.

God, I love Dean. Having the presence of mind to deck the shifter even drugged out of his gourd.

I like that, for once, we get to see a little of Dean in action with the ladies and it isn't made out to be as tawdry as it usually is (not that there's anything wrong with tawdry *g*--it's just nice to see it from a different angle).

Dean Winchester in lederhosen. That's just wrong.

Pumpkin pie-eyed crazy sumbitch!

I love the classic villain-monologuing scene. Heh.

Not the brightest shapeshifter on the block, eh? Ah, suburban typicality. Juxtaposition, she is funny.

Yay, Smart!Sammy to the rescue!

Are we supposed to feel sorry for the shapeshifter now? If it didn't work when Dean was the shifter, then we aren't going to feel sorry for this dude. This is maybe the problem with doing a silly monster story.

I am amazed Sam didn't say more.

Why haven't we heard that silver bullets work on shifters before? We know they have had silver bullets before.

I have really come to hate this 5-minute commercial break right before the end of the show. It's so frustrating.

Yay! More Dean kissing.

Porky's 2!


spn, 4.05, ep review

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