No THEN? Hmmm, curious.
DeYoung & Shaw! STYX. Hee!
LARPing! LOLOLOLOL!!!! He thinks they're fanboys!
Sal & Dane! Underground cult following. BWAHHH!!!! Sam or Dean as FABIO! by Carver Edlund!
I foresee many exclamation points ahead.
Wow, lotsa meta.
Wow. I think this is like that West Wing episode. Isn't "simpatico" actually a TWoP poster?
Oh, man. That slash stuff was awfully uncomfortable to watch with my 13-year-old sister right here.
I am not sure I'm going to like this. Yikes. There is a lot of uncomfortableness here. Julie Siege needs to be very careful here.
LOL, the tattoos! Okay, I'm going to enjoy this and not think about it too hard until later. Because there is a lot of funny here.
Chuck Shirley? I can see why he used a pseudonym.
"Obviously, I'm a GOD." HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Wow, now it's getting meta on the writers. Is it possible to have too much meta? "Writing is hard."
Dean reads Vonnegut! \o/
See? It's even too much meta for Dean!
Sam does have very brooding and pensive shoulders. *g*
Sam, you're all about the fiery demonic passion. Yes, not with little girls, but still.
Mmm, duct tape and bar rags. That sounds so appealing somehow when it's Sam talking about Dean.
Hee! Dean deprived of the best bacon cheeseburger in the country. :(
Yeah, I was wondering when Dean was going to bring up Ruby. And that will lead to their fight. Look at Dean trying to be rational. And Sam does have a point.
Yay, a motel! The Toreador? This should be good. "Behave yourself. No homework! Watch some porn." Hee.
Interesting way for some Sam illumination. YAY!!! Someone for Sam to talk to. I like this a lot. You gotta have some faith in Dean, Sammy. Excellent points about what the blood does for you, Mr. Writer Man. You are like Sam's very own little Oracle.
Oh, Metallicar! That is so very sad looking! I like the cawing crows on the soundtrack after the flapping of the tarp "like the wings of a crow."
Hello, angel, baby! Ah, so, not an Oracle, but a prophet. Innnnnteresting.
LOL!!!! "M. Night-level douchiness." HEEE!!!! ROTFL! The Winchester Gospel! Well, that makes it easier. We aren't crazy fangirls, we're devoted acolytes!
"The Gospel of Us." heh.
Sammy wants to make a stand. This will be interesting. Come on, boys, let's clear the air here. Oh, for fuck's sake, BOYS! Splitting up doesn't end well.
Is Dean talking to God? Wow. Obviously, Castiel was going to show up. The lighting is really weird in this scene. I guess Castiel doesn't love Dean quite enough. Well, you must tell him why, Cas. Ooooh, archangels. *shiver* AWESOME! If something threatens the prophet, the archangel appears, so put the prophet in the room with Lilith, and get Michael or Gabriel or Raphael or whoever to get to smiting! Very sneaky, Castiel.
"Get off your ass and fight." Not so much for a motivational speech. Heh, "I've got a gun in my pocket" (I'm not just happy to see you) is far more effective.
I am very interested to hear if Lilith mentions Ruby at all. Lilith appears to have gotten a lot stronger, too.
All baby blood all the time. That's quite an offer. And, there's the sop to fandom (but of course the dental hygienist wants it).
I wonder if Sam's gonna be pissed at Dean for sending Lilith away.
Aw, man. I was hoping we'd actually get to see some wrath. But, I guess that is outside of the budget. I also wonder if vanquishing Lilith is now a foregone conclusion for this season, since she just told us she dies "before the good part."
Cartalk! Yay! It's been a while.
Sammy is getting a little creepy. Uh-oh, what will befall the Prophet Chuck? He mighta seen it, Zach, but we didn't! Grrr. Cheap foreshadowing. ARG! Damn you, Kripke! A two-week cliffhanger.
Next week. O_O!