So The Office? Best. Show. Ever. In. History. Pam is my idol. I love her dearly. She's so identifiable...
And that look she gave the camera right before she darted across that bed of coals was exhilirating. In that moment I was so proud... so very proud of my Pam Beasley. I was thinking the same exact thing when she said "I could be your boss Michael"... Because she's awesome.
I was so not expecting her to say anything relevant during her "speech" because the promos had me convinced it was hype. So when she said "I have something to say" and said she did the coal walk, I really thought that might be it. While I really loved that she told Jim she called off her wedding for him, what broke my heart was when she asked why no one (Jim) came to her art show. That's really been bothering her... and it took her show long to get it off her chest. Pam is a truly beautiful character. I love her to pieces.
As for Grey's Anatomy...
I really wish they'd stop drawing out this O'Stevens thing. George is starting to sound like a parrot "I'm a married man. I'm a married man. Married Man. Married man... rrriit married man"...
I love O'Stevens. love love love them. But it's so blantant that the writers are stretching it out until the season finale for, most likely, a cliff hanger.
Seems like the metaphors are really anvils lately too. The parallel with the mountain climbers and the interns and George and Izzie overhearing them discuss leaving one behind. I almost hand a goose egg on my frickin head with how hard that one hit me.
As for the previews for next week... poor Christina's eyebrows...
I can't even get through an episode of Ugly Betty anymore... I'm just bored by it. It's cute and all, but so boring. Everytime Wilhelmena (sp?) and Meede are on the screen my eyes roll out of my head... and I miss Henry all the time...
I have Scrubs waiting for me on my Tivo.... I'm still watching that show only because I have from the beginning, but it definitely has lost it's luster. J.D. always talks in that whiney voice now, it's no longer cute.
I'm sad it's May and The Office will be leaving me for the summer, but I have Big Love to look forward to in June and Weeds some time too. Also, I just read today that Rilo Kiley's new album will be out in August. Completely and totally awesome. I can also look forward to Bones Season 2 on DVD since I'm behind a season... and I have all of Arrested Development season 2 and 3 to catch up on... and I purchase Supernatural Season 1, and I anticipate that will be wonderful. Television rules my life some times. But I like to pride myself on the fact that I watch little tv (no, really)... I don't sit down to "see what's on"... I know what I like, I know when it's on, and most of the time I TiVo the shit so I don't have to watch the moronic commercials.
I like to think that I belong to a group of intellectual television watchers... people who appreciate good television shows like they are works of art, which can be analyzed and reviewed and invested in.
Go ahead call me crazy, but that's how I prefer to get through the day.