Yes I watched Episode 3 of Glee, 'Home.' And yes, I liked it A LOT....But I enjoyed last week's much more. Kristin Chenoweth was, again, brilliant. Her duet with Will, 'One Less Bell To Answer' I think you'll agree was the stand out O.O (Although I also really enjoyed Kurt's 'A House is Not a Home.')
But the real reason I just ducked in was to put
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Comments 5
I just posted NPH and Schu doing 'Dream On'. It. is. Jizztastic. (On my FB)
I'm just so excited for Kurt's boyfriend next season, I cannot even tell you.
But then I'm fickle when it comes to these things.
In terms of what got me hot on last weeks Glee:
Puck/ Mercedes: The Lady is a Tramp.
Santana/ Mercedes: The Boy is Mine.
HAH! That's what I was going to get off ITunes. I was like "..fuck. There was a song I was gonna get, but what?"
Oh. And guess who's been promised some hot lesbian action on Friday? BOOYA. *bounces*
I always feel very primary school when I say "will you be my friend", but that is what I'm going to say. We have a few things in common on our interest lists so we might get along.
Do you want to be my friend? I'll leave it up to you, add me and I'll add you back :)
You know I almost never get friend requests anymore, and when I do I am usually debating whether to accept because some of my entry's (such as the ones I've written of late) can get on the lengthy, contemplative, angst side, despite my trying to balance it with the good (fandom) stuff.
It's like, 'why would I have this stuff pop up in a person I've just met's flist?' kind of thing.
But you know, I'm trying to be more open and honest (and sociable) with people these days. And I notice a LOT of similar interests, actually. I admit I have a weakness for reality TV, the bad and the good. I think Wife Swap is brilliant. And the fact that you have an icon of that super religious woman from my all time favourite episode....well that pretty much seals the deal. ^_^
*shrieks* "Get out of my house! In Jesus name, I pray!"
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