Thursday, April 13, 2023

Apr 14, 2023 15:01

Hi! I'm Lindsay.  I'm a mom of 3 in central Pennsylvania. Here is my day!

This is my very first glimpseatmyday! I work Tuesday-Friday from 7a-5:30p, so this day was a typical work day for me.  You don't see my husband because I didn't see my husband lol. He works 2nd shift and stays with the littles in the mornings.

I got up a lot later than I had planned.

Brush & floss while the shower heats up.

Contacts after shower / before skincare & lotion.

These animals are awake already. I sent the oldest to get ready as she rides with me.

I (very, very quickly) did my hair and make up.

Searched through my chaotic closet to find something to wear.

We ran out the door lol. I dropped my daughter off at her grandparents to hang out til school started, and I went to work.

I did all the morning things - turned on the coffee pot, unlocked the doors, opened the blinds, etc.

I had a much needed coffee before I got started.

I also checked on my island farm thing that I can't stop playing.

I can't show a whole lot of my work day because of person information, but I spent most of my time processing payments. These were left in the drop box over night.

This was my ootd. And I didn't realize how truly unflattering it was til now lol.

Breakfast of champions... or the very lazy.

I got to go on a quick run to the bank. It was a really beautiful day.

The trees are finally blooming. It feels so much happier.

I also got to walk to pick up our lunch.

My lips and nails have been so awful lately. I took a couple minutes to try to help them out.

My cuticles were looking a lot better. I took a week break from nail polish to rehab them.

I needed an afternoon pick me up, so I had an unusual second cup of coffee.

I sent my mom a text asking about my 2 younger kids. She just sent a picture of the baby.

I decided to work on my to do list for the second half of the week.

I wrote a check for my car payment. I don't have an account with this bank, so they do not allow online payments.

I had to walk to the post office for stamps. How fancy are these?! The clerk told me they are really popular and this was their last sheet of them.

I balanced my checkbook and realized how much fast food I had in this time period.

I processed some more payments from the mail and the drop box.

I took forever trying to find an error in my payment batch.

Eventually I accomplished my (easy) to do list.

5:30 p.m. I was free!!

My parents were watching my kids, so I visited with them for a bout 40 minutes.

My oldest has dance classes from 7-9, so she stayed with my parents. The littles and I went home.

Finally made it back! To a house covered in toys inside and out!

Both kids fell asleep in the car and were little baby bears when they woke up.

This large baby was excited to see me, though.

My son asked for ice cream for his snack.

I had to give the tiny one a snack as well.

I had a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. No time for anything else.

I put the dishes I washed last night away.

And got a reward for a job well done.

The baby got a bath.

And she was very happy about it.

I removed my make up and washed my face while my son played in the bath. The baby was just destroying the bathroom lol.

I was ready for bed even if they weren't!

My mom checked in on the kids.

Their 15 minute car nap reenergized them. Here they were fighting over a wrestling ring.

I put my son to bed and rocked the baby. It took forever because the neighbors were using some kind of large construction vehicle and it was pretty loud.

Rugey wanted to go out and lay in the yard.

I set a tidy up timer. I try to do at least 30 minutes of tidying after everyone goes to bed each night. Sometimes I do more and a lot of times I do less lol.

I decided to tackle the living room this night.

Maybe not the best, but better than before.

This thing too.

Packed everyone's bags because they were all going with me in the morning.

Ruger really wanted to go to bed.

So we went to bed!

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