I was just ranting in my head and wishing I could put it down somewhere...
And then I remembered I had LJ.
Dear [trying to decide to put your real name here]:
Oh. Hahaha. This is fucking hilarious. You think you're being smart and devious trying to play me off him and vice versa, don't you? And it'd blow up hilariously in your face if it weren't for the fact that he's a spineless pussy (sorry dude, but its true and everyone knows it). Anyway, so he's your safety net in case I end up being actually me and not who you think I would be in this situation.
Do you not realize how cruel that is? I've told you I'm willing to commit. I've even done the formal verbal exposition. But you're being self centered about the whole thing. I'm not hanging out with you because I'm fucking sick, not because I don't want to see you. ANd you try to make me jealous by saying you're going off with him tonight instead. Not working. I'm just getting angry. Which is a horrible start to whatever you want this to be. I don't have to try this with you. Yes you're a candidate, but there are others, ones I think it'd work with better, but you're convinced this could be great and I trust your opinion (you're one of my best friends after all) and so I'm putting myself into it for your sake (which you know I never do) but you're FUCKING IT UP ALREADY.
God you idiot. You should call me tonight or I might end up doing the whole passive agressive thing. Possibly with --------. It's an attractive option.
Whooo junior high drama yeah!