Cleaning house

Apr 25, 2007 13:54


1-List 25 things that you want to say to people.

2-Don't mention their names.

3-Never discuss it again.

4-Random order.

1. You dont deserve to have my friendship, you only treat me with respect when you dont have anyone else to hangout with.

2. You are the perfect example of what i dont want to be; my family doesnt know why i still hangout with you.

3. Stop being fake around other people and bragging about how youre so wealthy.

4. I never stopped loving you. You will always be in my heart.

5. I wish you could love me for who i am, and stop regretting me becuase i dont fulfill your standards.

6. I only dated you becuase you bought me flowers. I felt like i owed you. I never liked you.

7. You need to get your own life and stop riding mine. There is no two of me, and there never will be. Be yourself for once in your life.

8. I could kill you for being so dumb to stay with him, he treats you like shit. Why couldnt you learn from last time.

9. I always raced you for everything. I felt like a nerd when i found out you kissed a boy before me. I wanted to have sex with my ex boyfriend to beat you for that, i didnt even love him.

10. I knew i loved you from our first date. I could have married you that night.

11. I love you to death, and i actually used to have a crush on you. But when i saw you naked, i got really grossed out.

12. Youre a real shady person.

13. You see the new things i wear or try, then follow in my footsteps and act like you started it. You think youre better than me, but really youre nothing.

14. I dont know why you want to be so close to them. Theyre so fake and fucking lame. They act like they run shit, but still you do everything they do. I lost all respect for you.

15. You piss me off on a daily basis, i still love you.. even though i cant stand you!

16. Youre the only person i feel completely comfortable with. You even make the butterflies feel normal. I want to have you for the rest of my life.

17. I still hate you for what you did to the only thing i loved more than myself in my whole life. It was youre fault. I wish i could scream it at you for the rest of my life, but id probably kill you.

18. I dont know why youre attracted to her. Shes a horrible person. Sometimes i wish i never wasted my time on you. I helped you in every way that i could, and still you appreciate her for sleeping with you.

19. You turned me into what i am today, i wish i never met you sometimes.

20. Stop calling me fat. Yeah i got a belly, but whos the one who wears a size 3 compared to a size 7, huh?

21. I used to be intrested in you, but now you just gross me out.

22. I miss talking to you. I would move to the other side of the country just to see you.

23. I really want to get to see you before i die. Ive seen you around for about a year, and we just started talking. Youre one sexy kid.

24. I completely led you on.

25. GO FUCK YOURSELF, i knew i should have never trusted you.
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