New Year's Resolutions

Dec 31, 2011 02:18

Technically it's New Year's Eve already (it's 1.45am here in jolly old England) and it got me thinking about resolutions. I figured I should post now as I promised Jess (that's her in my icon) a Wii Just Dance marathon tomorrow - which will probably be the death of me.

I used to write a blog called '10 Things, Motherfucker' (which exactly 3 people ( Read more... )

live journal, new year, resolutions

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Comments 2

halequinne January 12 2012, 11:18:49 UTC
1. You are a lovely, amazing commenter! As a writer it means so much to know people are reading and, even better, loving it and, even BETTER, thinking about the fic.

2. I think this makes more sense if the sign went the other way? virtual > irl? Possibly? If yes, so true. Not enough irl friends are as interesting as LJ friends. I'm so lucky to have Mutiny irl, but I feel everyone should have more.

7. Seconded! Don't worry, it gets easier not to blush. You'll understand if I ever get enough of it done to start posting the other fic I'm working on.

8. It's shoes. Enough said.

And now for the main point I'm trying to make here...

9. Pokemon! I choose YOU! Mutiny and I have been talking about getting you in to help me beta Brave if you're interested?


glitter_geek January 14 2012, 00:17:43 UTC
I cannot believe I hit the <> signs round the wrong way... and they let me teach a math group? Seriously?

I always wanted to be a Pokemon... and would be very flattered if you ever need help beta-ing Brave! Just yell :)


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