lol, it's true! and now, i'd like to present a chronological picspam of me!
here we go:
me at 2 days, terribly sunburnt. my aunt Mary is holding me.
1 yr old, with my Granddad. he died that Hallowe'en.
Daddy feeding me, and Shannon trying to get a bite. probably 18 months or so, there...
first time on a horse! aww, i love them!! (no idea who the lady is..) must be about 2yrs there.
Maggie's bday party at mcdonald's. i've got the pigtails, Maggie's next to me, and Shannon is across from her(with the balloon). dunno who that other girl is... i think i'm about 3yrs there.
kindergarten! i'm at the "library" of course! with my bag to carry that week's books home. lol. 5yrs.
i'm 5, again here. it's only the end of kindergarten, but i just wanted to show you my dress. it's getting to small for me in that photo, but i loved it soooo much!! i wouldn't quit wearing it till it literally didn't fit. lol. (that's my teacher, btw)
me and my good friend Kara. we're on a slide at another mcdonald's bday! wonder whose? but anyway, i'm 6 there.
we're good girls! honest! *giggles* that's me and my best friend Karen... we're 7.
me and Kara again... i'd moved by then, but came back for a visit. think we're 7 still.
ah. 8 yrs old. meeting pen pals. mine's the blonde without the nametag. she didn't think i was cool enough. *sigh* i hate disappointing people.
me, Karen, and my sister's cat (Mittens). 8 again, there.
hmmm... 9 i think. the splint is from when i broke my hand at the batting cages... i'd already gotten my cast off by then.
attractive, no? *chuckles* that's me and Collette at a fair. oooh, that's my 1st pair of glasses, also! and, note the crimped hair? love the 90s. i was 10 or 11, there.
12 there, had just moved back to eugene, was about to start middle school. mum and dad would be seperated by end of year, i think... and that's my cat, Tiger, who Dad gave away bc my stepmum's terribly allergic. that armchair is in my room here! lol
rafting on the John Day river... 14, i think? that's the 1st fish i caught! ever! (catch-and-release, of course.) caught several more that day. go, me! that's Nate, with me... he taught me to fish. i didn't have a crush on him. what??! oh, alright, maybe a little one...
freshman year of highschool. i'm 15. it's my 1st Drama Banquet i'm headed for! (theme was "glamour". am i glamorous? lol)
16th bday! it was a surprise party, the greatest bday ever!! *grins*
16 or 17, there. that's my 2nd and last Drama Banquet... i changed highschools after that year. (theme was "masquerade ball")
Junior year... 17? Homecoming dance. that's Chris, being silly on the left, Tonya, me, and Jesse.
me and shannon at her wedding. i was... 17, still? i think that's right.
again at Shannon's wedding.. again with Jesse! lol. he's a darling! we were in Virginia, it was during hurricane Floyd, i think. Sept 1999.
graduation!!! yaaay! go, class of 2000! lol. that's my daddy with me.
my friends from the 3rd high school... Micah, me, Jeff, and another Jesse! (he's the one with the mohawk. lol. he's the biggest teddybear ever!)
graduation again.. oh, i'm 18, btw. mum came, too, but i wasn't sure she'd like me posting the photos, as she's lost lots of weight since then...
went to visit Shannon again... this is at Virginia Beach. i'm wearing my all-time favourite bathing suit (well, the top of it) under my tanktop. eep! bad julia! put out that cigarette! *slaps 18yr-old julia's hand*
me sorting mail in my pyjamas. i didn't know ryan was taking that picture. that's my quad, there. what you see, that's about all there is to it. one tiny room. like my decorations? lol.
christmas... i'm 18 still. i'm pregnant, but barely starting to show. Shannon and i got those lovely photo boxes, which came in v handy when i was sorting my closet! lol
showing a bit more, now...*laughs*. i'm nearly due, here. 19 yrs old.
cody's 1st christmas! he's 6 months old. i'm still 19.
hey, wait! that's not me! lol. couldn't resist. isn't he the cutest?? that's him last summer, 2 yrs old.
me and cody last summer at Lithia Park in Ashland.
Shannon and me a few months ago at her surprise bday party! i'm 22. lol
*chuckles* who needs Tobey Maguire? cody's face paint.. he was terribly upset when it washed off in the bath that night.
and, lastly (thank god!!)
me and cody a month or so ago... those are my new glasses! but you can't see 'em v well. *shrugs*
eeeeep! did you all make it through that? my goodness. it was great fun for me, though! hope you all survived! lol
mum and cody have left for the coast, i register for fall term early in the morning, then head off, myself... must go do the dishes, etc! love you all!
oh, one more thing before i go:
my sixteen candles icon! yay!
ok, i'm sure i'll be back later!