I finally got round to seeing Inception, aka Fandom's New Favourite Thing (well, that and Sherlock). And it was awesome, as expected!
The ending: I knew they were going to do the whole, 'ooh, but is it REAL?' thing, which, as someone pointed out on ONTD, is kind of the point - the idea's implanted in your brain early one, 'maybe this isn't real, maybe the whole thing is a dream', like a separate inception on the viewer. And everyone seems really caught up on it, but that's actually the part I care least about - I guess because I don't think there's a definite answer, it's left deliberately ambiguous and I think it's down to audience interpretation, and so I think I'm one of the few people who thinks the last scene was real, but only really because I kind of want it to be. Um, I guess I just like happy endings. But that doesn't make reading the theories any less interesting! It's nice to see so much love for a film that makes you think.
And guys, how awesome was Ariadne? I haven't seen much love for her, which makes me sad - she's an architect studying in Paris! Who is clever and good at what she does and doesn't take any of Cobb's bullshit! And doesn't serve as a love interest for any of the male characters!
That scene in the gravity-less hallway was just amazing, whoah. I want to see it again just for that.
I haven't read much fic yet, but it is on my list, and I'm going to be on that asap. That is one attractive cast, goddamn.
And I'm just going to leave this here: