AGE: 16
CONTACT: aim * reflected red
msn/email/g!docs * bubblepopxxxx@yahoo.com
y!im * bubblepopxxxx
NAME: Tayuya
SECT: Inhabitant
AGE: 18
PB: Hayley Williams
PERSONALITY: Tayuya is the absolute queen of eccentrics, noise, and misfits.
In school, she was the type to permanently and unconditionally consider herself the best thing that ever happened to just about anyone, and in a building full of people who were uncomfortable with themselves and afraid of the future, it was easy to sway them. If a person acts like a God, then eventually he or she will become one, and Tayuya had the perfect personality to suck everyone in. She was loud, witty, sarcastic, angry, and - at some times - kind of nice, for herself. For every person she scared off was there always another drawn to her, because she never shut up. (Moreso did she never stop being funny and she never stopped running out of strange and interesting things to say, though whether there was merit to them is debatable.)
Of all the things in the world, she loved music, noise, amplifiers, instruments- her whole vision of the world was technicolor and everything she heard was 180dB, but her hearing tissue refused to die. She loved extremes, loved people, hated sleep and hated quietude. She was the type of person who was absolutely bent on changing the world while she was at school and then promptly saving it when she got home. She didn't waste time because she was dead sure she was going to die young, die soon.
This wasn't to say she was a nice person. Tayuya could be incredibly cruel when the situation called for it, but at the same time, she rarely took anything seriously enough for a situation like that to occur. While she'd broken a fair number of limbs out of rage and scared enough people into hysterics, it took a lot of provocation for something like that to happen. Otherwise, she didn't have time for it. Don't get mad, get even, it made a lot more sense and was a lot more fun that way.
All of this was Tayuya before she got permanently stuck in Eden, and since then-
Absolutely nothing has changed.
HISTORY: Tayuya's past was fairly normal.
There was no great drama, no great angst, no terrible misfortune- She was adopted into a Japanese family and that was it. A firecrotch whitegirl into a semi-strict but mostly spoiling Japanese family with a couple of older brothers whom she took after. She was a weird kid, of course, fell naturally into music and was good at it, without fail. Once she was taught to play an instrument, she eventually figured out how to play more on her own, god really good at it, and the number stacked quickly. She was never particularly girly or very pretty when she was young, but she was the only kid in class who would bring in authentic, original, non-reprinted Elvis Records from "back in the day", whenever that was. None of the other students really got the significance of what an Authentic Elvis record was, but Tayuya didn't have to grow up to appreciate music and music history, she knew it as if she'd been born with the knowledge.
Time passed, and by the time she entered Middle School, Tayuya was popular. She'd gotten attractive, even though she wasn't particularly endowed, and she was talented at what she did. Her attitude drew people to her like moths to flames, since she studied music and lyrics like scriptures and commandments. Music told her she didn't have to care because she'd die young and pretty so she needed to revolutionize while she could, and she believed it. She, the adoptive child of conservative and wealthy Japanese parents, acted more American than half of America did, loving noise and loving to party and loving life with such a violent but present adoration. Tayuya couldn't stop moving for a second because, in her strange but very evident mindset, if she ever stopped running, she'd miss something. It was as if she were trying to digest the entire world at 12 years old, and her brothers were substantially proud of her in all of the ways she gave her parents headaches.
It had been hoped that when she entered High School, things would change, and they were right - it did. The world became significantly bigger to Tayuya, and all she wanted to be was a rock star. She wanted to travel the world, praise her scriptures in the form of half-rhyme and whatever instrument she felt like playing that day- Tayuya knew so many it was astounding. In the same way did she actually pay attention in her classes, if not doing well in them than at least learning the material, because it was more knowledge, more of the world to suck up like a sponge. Fifteen turned to sixteen. Sixteen turned to seventeen. Tayuya aged and moved in fast-forward, lights blurring and sound so loud it was off the Decibel scale, images so intense she could barely see, and she loved it. A constant, violent high, as if the world had to get out of the way or she'd run it over.
Normally, in a story like this, the happiness would be crushed via a drug addiction, as for most rock stars. For Tayuya, it was something significantly more permanent.
A theme park.
One she never grew tired of, never grew old in. It wasn't the world she wanted to know about before, it was a brand new one, where reality as she'd known it was completely optional and relative. It was rides every night, lights in the sky, happy people who came and went, Tayuya hadn't meant to trap herself there but she wasn't bitter. She's been there for a year or so now, and every night is the same, every night is different. Eden gave her instruments, so she made music. Eden gave her a room, so she slept. Eden gave her a brand new set of things to run at 150 miles per hour to try to understand, and so she did just that.
Tayuya, the revolutionary crazycrazy rock-star no one's ever heard of.
(She'd be famous one day, even here.)
RP SAMPLE: She yawned, picking a little bit of something out from under one of her nails with a the same pocketknife she'd brought with her a year ago, in the backpack she'd still not grown tired of because Tayuya didn't really ever get tired of anything. (Same shit in it, for a year. Same waterbottle that just kept refilling itself, same bottomless box of candy - Tayuya really fucking loved candy - and the same however-many Yen that had been her change when she'd taken the bus to get here.) She hadn't brought her flute. Or guitar. No sheet music. Nothing. Mostly because she hadn't exactly planned on any kind of extended stay, but that didn't matter because her room was full to the fucking brim with things to keep her busy. Every instrument she could think up, Eden provided, and she'd teach herself. Beautiful, polished, clean, perfect Eden instruments she'd taught herself to be a fucking genius on, from simple shit she needed to improve on to completely abstract stuff she just imagined up. Instruments that probably didn't exist. Tayuya hated to be bored, so she never was.
So she liked Eden, in the way that Tayuya really ever likes anything.
She tossed the knife into the little lipstick-drawn bullseye (-where she found lipstick, she didn't know. Probably took it from some lady's purse. She had about thirty of Some-Lady's-Purses, all on a shelf together, just so she could fuck around with the shit inside. Sometimes she'd find alcohol, or Dramamine for the types who couldn't take crazy rides. Other times, it was useless shit. Yen, ID, condoms, make up. One of her vaccinations against boredom, since there weren't a lot of wildly destructive things to do at Eden.) The knife doesn't stick, mostly because she doesn't throw it with enough force to puncture the wall, which would repair itself like a scab even if she did in about an hour. It fell to the floor with a smack, and she crosses over to her window, popping open the blinds to see if it was dark yet.
(Negative. But getting there.)
"Fuck this. I'm gonna go find a pool."
SAMPLE ENTRY: Mozart starts to come off as one ugly motherfucker at the point where you can play every instrument and solo in all of his symphonies. Jesus fuck.