Title: "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Gay." Chapter 6/?
Rating: NC-17 for potty mouths. Oh boys.
Summary: In which, Arthur pretends to be gay, Merlin is crowned Fairy King and both are in way over their heads. Also full of revenge, projectile Fruit Loops, scary pink dorm rooms, glitter pens, pillow fights and a whole lot of very confused people.
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Comments 31
I've been checking everyday, waiting for the new chapter. And all I can say is that if rushing you would have diminished the quality, I would have waited a thousand years.
Love the snuggling and the seen in the shower!!! So clever and adorable. And it fits the boys so well. You really seem to know their characters and you write them perfectly and adorably.
Thank you for another perfect installment... :)
Please update soon as I am in love with your story x
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