Title:Teeth (or how Dawn O'Keefe landed Kurt a boyfriend)
Rating: R (for bad words and terrible movie plots)
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Beta: The awesome
heard_the_owl thanks very much!
Warnings: Umm...Fluff? And the discussion the movie Teeth, lol.
Spoilers: The first 13 episodes.
Summary: Puck really should know better than to watch movies that Kurt recommends.
AN: There
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Comments 23
I think the brain/mouth filter was the best thing ever. I loved that. It added to the cute of the story.
“Whatever. How about we make it two dates and we can sing an impromptu love duet in Glee that would put Rachel and Finn to shame?”
^If that ever happened on the show, I'd die a happy fan girl. Just saying. I got my Mercedes/Puck duet. Now if they give us Kurt/Puck I can be happy with life.
“Oh no. Is poor little Puckasaurus scared of the big, bad, toothy vagina?”
“Hell, yes!” Puck shouted. “And stop saying vagina. It’s creeping me out.”I loved that exchange so freaking much. It made me happy. It also made me think of the Vagina Monologues or ( ... )
Awesome job!!
This story was really cute. I loved Puck's lack of filter.
*composes herself*
Sorry... anyways, loved this story. It was so sweet and schmoopy and just adorable! Puck and Kurt were completely in-character and just perfect together.
Thanks so much for sharing;-)
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