Greetings from The House of Plague

Jun 11, 2009 16:20

Yesterday, I had to accompany Mom to the vet's, because her 17 1/2 year old cat is acting weird. (Teal Deer for another time, trust me.) I felt like hell, but the vet is one of my BFFs so it was nice to go and catch up on things with her. (I did the interior design for her 6,000 sq ft veterinary hospital.) Plus, she had LOTS of cold water on hand, which was win, because I was running a fever...yeah, still. It's teh suck. Now we're awaiting test results, in hopes Mom's cat doesn't have liver cancer. She is a sweet, sweet little cat and we all love her tremendously.

Last night, I was so beat, I literally had to lie down in the midst of making dinner. Still couldn't eat solid food, either. I made sauteed chicken breasts for Bear and Rabbit, drenched them in a jar of Ragu al fredo sauce and wilted down some fresh spinach (yay for sales!) to make a quick chicken florentine. I watched some SVU on Sleuth, then crashed out entirely.

This morning. Mom's all pissed off because Rabbit hasn't cut the grass in front. If she doesn't have SOMETHING to be pissed off about every day, it's a wasted day for her. (Yes, Mommy Dearest is a bitch and I'd be the first one to admit it.) What she wouldn't allow herself to understand is, Rabbit has a fever of 102 and the stomach crud. Poor guy's barely coherent. I told her I wasn't going to go outside and run the lawn mower, because at that point I was breaking a fever of at least 101 -- probably more -- and was trying not to freeze to death from being drenched. She said I shouldn't have to run the mower -- which means, she STILL refuses to believe Rabbit's sick. I'd like to see her sorry ass mow the lawn when she's not feeling well. When she's sick, the fucking world had better stop -- you get what I'm sayin'.

After a cold shower to bring my fever down the rest of the way, for as long as that lasts, Bear and I were able to make a quick run to the store. More OTC meds for all of us, more soft food for me and something for poor Bear to eat since she's the one who can eat whatever she desires at this point. I found some Blueberry Blow-up, or whatever that juice is that has all the vitamins and minerals in it...something by Naked Juice. I'm also going to take extra B-12 tonight and try to convince all this respiratory sickness to LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! I have a 3-hour shift tomorrow, then a 7-hour shift the next day and I really need this bug to stop wiping me out and drowning me in muck.

It's even into both ears now, which concerns me, since this was how I got meningitis last time. Antihistamines don't even touch it -- and I have a collection of almost all they offer here in the States.

I *still* want to write up the "Zebras" post-ep AU I wrote while doing jury duty, but I'm afraid it will suck like a Hoover if I try and force it.'s time for more Tylenol, since my temp is going up again. Damn.
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