Most everyone here knows that my previous background has been EMS and emergency rescue. I've said before that I'd very much like to get my EMT-Basic here in California. I used to function as an EMT for an ambulance company in IL and I'd love to get back into it.
With that in mind, Aunt B. emailed and offered to pick up a portion of the cost of getting my EMT-B classes and certification. She and her husband are L*O*A*D*E*D financially -- I mean, HUGE fricken bucks. She said to research the cost of getting my certification, then to let her know and she'd go from there.
Mom also offered, but since she did so much to help Bear get started in home health nursing, I gently told her there was no way I'd ask her to assume costs for my EMT classes and such. (Bear needed her own stethoscope, a mobile GPS unti because she travels *everywhere,* a new fax machine because my 18 year old Panasonic died, and she'd previously needed books to recertify as well as the recertification testing fees. That's around a grand. Mom's supporting Toby; I won't burden her further, but she gets major props for her sincere offer.)
I went to the college website and started researching. I'm not sure how much the class fees are for Intro to Emergency Medical Services (the EMT pre-req) and EMT-Basic are, but I did discover there are 7 books to buy between the two classes and they're about $300. I'd also need to get my own stethoscope and other supplies (little things like a penlight, bandage scissors...just 'stuff') and I may need uniforms for the clinical portion of class -- on the ambulance.
I explained this to Aunt B, as well as telling her I really can't do this course until I get another job, because Satan's Factory won't let us stay employed AND go to school, and they won't give us a set schedule. With my hours chopped, I can't buy groceries for the week, let alone buy groceries, gas *and* save up to pay my share of the course fees.
I got this response from good ol' Aunt B.: $300 for books?! See if you can get a scholarship.
You know, if she intended to be cheap, she could have just as well kept her mouth shut. It really pissed me off to have her react like that, since she'd said she was so set on helping me. Thanks for nothing, Aunt B. You have your own version of Toby to support, so don't let me drain you financially.
Bear was very sad at her reaction, but I told her not to worry -- EMT classes will still be there when I'm ready for them financially. I'll be an ambulance jockey again, it'll just take a while.