How much do I love the new 'edit comment' feature that LJ's sporting? Thos Thsi Tihs much. XDAlso, I feel like a total wretched cad for my last post. Hey Glock, let's see how sad and unhappy you can make people about their art! It isn't enough for artists to beat themselves up constantly over their art skills, I think it'll be better to create a
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Comments 912
I love art. Period, I love looking at it, touching it, smelling it, occasionally tasting it (thank you tate museum!) and hearing it! I love being able to put feelings down on the paper and have that become an experience for someone else.
I love fan art because it's narrative and doesn't take itself to seriously. I can enjoy it without digesting it too much.
I love painting because it's a completely physical and emotional experience for me.
And I give you mad respect for being such an artist, not only in what you produce, but how you think, feel....everything. You have an energy that's mighty inspiring to others, I can tell you that!
I love your art style. I love that your figures are "real" in a way that isn't strictly photographically "real", but that they feel even more so sometimes. You don't shrink away from depicting things how they are - the ugly with the beautiful. I have a LOT of respect for you as an artist, and as a person. :) Your images are as much an emotional experience for viewers as they are visual ones.
Right now what I like about what I do is that it's fairly unique.
I like taking an idea, being able to graph it out on paper, and then work it up in yarn into something that can be displayed or used. I like that my meager abilities to graph an idea have evolved from just letters 10 years ago to more pictures. Even the style of the letters has changed...
And I LOVE how the true fanartists inspire me to create more things...
I must admit that I'm shocked that people responded. :D
I don't think I'm that well known anymore since falling out of fandom, but that's okay. I like my art (usually). I like that I'm always willing to learn new things, and that everything I learn always settles back into my general style after a shakedown period. I like that I've learned how to erase, how to let go, how to redraw and be happy with it. I like that I've learned how to experiment and see things in new ways. There's lots of thing I want to do better, but overall, I'm glad that I can look back on 90% of my old stuff and still not cringe, not even if it was year ago.
Have I ever told you this? You were one of the Biggies on my list, when I was just creeping into fandom. I browsed Digital Midnight constantly for inspiration and admiration. I fell madly, deeply in love with that oh, so clean and precise line art you do (I think I've blathered on to you about this before, ahaha) and I still remember your art from Nanomango in...2004? 2006? I can't quite remember what year, but the art imprinted itself in my brain as something to aspire to.
That I had the honour and privilege to draw for you is like. AMAZING. I am so glad you are proud of your work and I really never ever want you to stop!!
I like the way I draw eyes, and hair, and arms. I'm pleased that I've been able to branch out into new mediums lately (Photoshop and markers, for example) and come out with something that I'm pretty proud of.
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And your art!! I love that you are distinctly anime and make no excuses about it and I think that's what makes your art stronger and more defined. Too many people are wishy washy about it and it cheapens their style, but you have a great confidence in your art that allows you to experiment and try new stuff. Which is AWESOME, cause arting is all about growing.
Also, your eye for movement is wonderful! You definitely give the characters a sense of life in the way you draw their figures; I appreciate that the mostest!
Erm... as for me, I like my art because it's shamelessly self-indulgent. I just draw what I like, which is basically pretty people (self-indulgence is also a drawback, of course, but I am focusing on the positive here XD), and I like my lines and the way I draw hair and how I always try to portray that there's intelligence behind the eyes and a story behind the face. I like sloppy but mysterious better than polished and empty of feeling.
That's what I've always loved about your art :D
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