So, this week there were two episodes of Torchwood. It rather left me feelnig like i'd OD'ed on uber-geekiness:
- Best guest star: Tosh's cleavage. Seriously.
- Like a lot of people I felt this might have worked better as a two-parter. It was good...but it could have been great.
- Geeky!Owen = FTW.
- I actually really liked the Gwen/Rhys stuff this week, you got a real feeling of the affection and the warmth in their relationship.
- "...but not like I love you, Jack". Oh Gwen, and you were doing SO well...
- As previously mentioned: Evil!Ianto? Hot like the sun. Rowr.God, I sound like one of those women who write to serial killers (Which...err...i'm not, for the record).
- I'm a bit confused as to exactly how Adam implanted the memories and I can't seem to work it out from what we got. Did Ianto struggle against Adam implanting the serial killer memories because of the content or because he was aware what Adam was doing? Are we to assume that Ianto has a particularly strong sense of self to fight back that hard? Eh, who can say...
- Random boykissing of the week! Thanks Adam and Ianto. Do you think they have a quota or something?
- Diary! That is so ridiculously Ianto - especially putting information about artifacts alongside details about his sex life. Hee!
- I really wish I had something to say about Jack's memories other than "ZOMG Tattooine?!" and "Woah there John Barrowman, tone it down!"...but I don't. For shame.
- I felt a little bit robbed of conculsion and fallout from this, although I like that Jack did essentially say that it was mind rape. Poor old Tosh.
- I concur with 'The Times' on that conference room scene, the swirly Windows Vista thing and "Jack's hilarious messiah complex". Indeed!
- "For the record? Tape measures never lie""Fuck" Oh boys...
- MARTHA! Eeeeee!
- Although I should probably be worried on Martha's behalf that she fitted in so well with the TW team, group of oddballs that they are.
- Martha is over the doctor. Well, thank fuck for that quite frankly, she could do better (and seems to be - Tom Milligan, anyone?)
- UNIT cap! Ha! Do you think Jack has a very special dressing-up box?
- My absolute favourite bit of this episode? Owen nearly taking out Ianto with the singularity scalpel and Ianto's girly shriek, flail and subsequent pouty face...*Glee*
- Jack thinks Jim Robinson is handsome...*shudders at the unexpected and unwelcome slash crossover*
- Owen agrees to go out on a date with Tosh. Don't do it man, she's like the black widow of Torchwo- oh, too late. Bad luck Owen (I'd be more upset if I thought it was permanent, honest).
- Ianto and Martha? MADE OF ABSOLUTE WIN! I love the Joneses and their little co-ordinated outfits! And THANK YOU Martha for actually being nosy and asking about the Jack/Ianto shenanigans. "Innovative. Bordering on the avant garde". Guh. And the little moment where he slips off into fond reverie...
- Tosh: "Warped on the inside" But in a good way.
- I love how perky Jack is in this episode - like he's suddenly more free and honest in Martha's company.
- So, Owen? Brought back how? Weevil king? Missing risen mitten?