Yes, I'm jumping the gun a little since
yuletide sign-ups haven't even started yet, but whatever. I'm excited!
Dear Yuletide Writer,
Merry Yuletide! Thanks in advance for the story you're going to write for me! I'm pretty easy to please, so don't be anxious at all. The main thing I hope is that you will have as much fun writing this story as I will have reading it. So, I'm going to give you some general info about what I like, as well as some specific prompts for each fandom I chose. Hopefully between them you'll find something that grabs you.
Very generally speaking I tend to read and write gen, although I've included a few slash and het prompts below. Themes/tropes I enjoy include case stories, mysteries, action/adventure, character studies, drama, angst, bromance, friendship, dark!fic, exploration of character back stories, reincarnation, post-death reunions, and AUs. I don't particularly like things like mpreg (with the one exception being Loki - I love Loki mpreg for some reason), gender swap (although trans and non-binary characters are fine), kid!fic, schmoop, or fluff. Any rating is fine.
For the specific fandoms I've requested:
Wallander (Kurt)
Kurt should be front and center. Other than that, I'm pretty open to whoever else you want to include. I'm particularly interested in stories focused on Kurt's various relationships:
- His often troubled relationship with his daughter Linda, anything having to do with her suicide attempt
- There is a lovely scene in Before the Frost where Kurt's walking with Linda and he tells her that when he goes for walks alone, he often talks to the trees along his way as if they were people in his life that he's lost. So one is his father, one his mother, one is Svedberg, etc. I'd love a story about Kurt talking to the trees.
- Kurt/Vanja - Something exploring her decision to move in with him, her decision to move out, and/or some domestic scenes (although not too fluffy, this is Wallander we're talking about).
- And if you're feeling really ambitious you could try your hand at a Wallander BBC/Sherlock BBC crossover featuring Wallander/Lestrade. I've written a series of them myself, so you can play in that universe or not. They could be a couple, or just friends, or perfect strangers being thrown together unexpectedly on a case. I don't really care, I just love the thought of Lestrade and Wallander interacting. If you go this route, just make sure Sherlock and John are either not featured at all or are in the background - don't want them overshadowing things. It should still firmly be a Wallander story.
Gladiator (Maximus)
Ok, these run the gamut from porn to angst. I have a serious and under-indulged gladiator fetish.
- Gladiator porn. Just straight up porn about whatever they've got going on between bouts in the arena - the raunchier and filthier the better. M/M; Maximus topping, please. PWP is fine.
- Maximus/Marcus Aurelius or Maximus/Cicero - less raunch and more focus on their relationship dynamics. And if you're a gen writer, their relationships could be strictly paternal in the former, and bromance in the latter. It's all good!
- Post-death reunion between Maximus and his wife and son.
Norse Mythology (Loki)
I only selected Loki for the signup just to make matching easier, but other favorites include Thor, Odin, and Sigyn. Stories focused on any of those four would be more than welcome, and feel free to include others in supporting roles.
- Something in the style of Myths Retold (although make sure it's one that he hasn't done yet)
- I love trickster stories, so anything about Loki being his trickster self - fucking shit up for people or helping to unfuck shit and exacting a price for it.
- Flyting!
- Loki/Sigyn - anything!
- Loki and his children - anything!
- Ragnarok
Okay, that's it. I hope I've given you enough to work with (and to have fun with). I've only selected fandoms that I would be absolutely thrilled to read fic in, so any one of the three that you choose will be fantastic.
Happy writing!