(Note the optimistic naming scheme - maybe we can make this a Tuesday thing :))
Okay, this is a small writing exercise for anyone passing by - and no, it doesn't matter if you come across this months after I posted it: you can still do it. The good bit:
The bad bit? You only get to write for eight minutes :)
But please: this is an exercise, not a competition. There are reasons for its parameters - basically, to free your subconscious creator from your conscious editor - so try to follow them. Please also remember that this is strictly a fun forum for writing, not an exercise in critique. Nor is there any need to post the results if you don't want to :)
- You are going to write a little piece in eight minutes: whatever you want, whatever fandom, with or without slash or sex (groans - het if you must). You will get a prompt of four words, and you are to concentrate on using all four in the piece. It's easier than you think.
- There are actually two sets of words. Before you open the lj cut at the end of this post, decide if you're going to use the first set of four words, or the second.
- Grab pen and paper, or open a text window of some sort, or just go ahead and start a comment to this mail. Copy your chosen set of four words from behind the tag to the text/comment window. Don't even bother to look at the other set. Certainly don't look at any of the other submissions or comments.
- Go! Start writing/typing - type anything, even 'abcefg'. Don't stop typing. Don't edit, don't pause, don't dither, don't scratch. Just type.
- Stop after eight minutes. Whew. That was it.
- Okay, now if you insist, you can have a minute or so to edit if you plan to post what you've written. No major rewrites, mind: just enough to correct the odd typo, or stick in that last line you couldn't quite get your fingers around :)
- If you want to post your piece, do it now before you read anything else that's been submitted. Please put a title of 'Flashslash 1 Set #' to the comment, and make sure you highlight the four words before you post.
- If you don't want to post your piece - and there is absolutely no pressure to - I'd be grateful if you could still stick in a note just to say you've played.
- Have fun reading the other submissions, secure in the knowledge that it's all over. Feedback for the exercise is welcome, but please remember that, with such tight limits to what writers can do, this is a positive rather than a critical space.
And thank you for playing :)
Set 1 congress duck happy whisper
Set 2 lettuce scribble bullion oil-lamp