At long, long last, I BEAT THE SECOND DEMON WALL.
I kind of cheated, though, because I'm lolarious leveled up at this point, but... I DID IT n_n I'm actually kind of mad, though, because I was this close to achieving the Torrent concurrence, because I had Tides of Battle + Fulminating Darkness + Ruin Impendent + Ruin Impendent, and just as that last Quickening was going, I rolled a Mist Charge for Vaan, which later turned into a Red Spiral, and just as I hit the triangle button --
-- the timer ran out. D:
Still, those four attacks up there did 7600 damage to the Wall, so uh, overkill, much 8D
But eee, Basch. You had a 4 hit combo with your sword! You deserve that Demonsbane more than anyone else in my group, buddy. n_n
Anyway, before I go out to fight the Elder Wyrm, I'm going to level up in the Henne Mines for a little while, to get everyone up to Level 27/28 ( I currently have a 26/25 party ) and snatch some loot, because 32000 gil just isn't enough to survive on in this game :/
Today is the last day of vacation. Normally, this would make me sad, but I had a really nice five days off. XD Any more vacation and it would've started getting... weird. Plus I have midterms coming up soon, lol. That should be interesting!!
My seventeenth birthday is only less than two months away now. \o/