All I use LJ for anymore is memes.

Nov 04, 2011 09:35

Are you going to be one hundred percent honest?

If your girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do?
I feel like I'm going to have a lot of "N/A, fuck you" answers on this thing.

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?

What are you wearing on your feet?

Has the opposite sex ever written you a poem?
I don't think so.

Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
Welcome to the inner workings of my mind.

Was last night enjoyable for you?
I caught up on ALL THE TV, so yes it was.

Do you change your phone background a lot?
I haven't had a phone since August but once I have one again, probs.

How's your heart lately?

If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
Probably cry and trip over myself.

What have you done all day?
Literally nothing except sit in this bed on the internet. To be fair, it's only...oh it's actually kind of late. 1:40pm. Oops.

Are you happy?

Do you want to tell someone how you feel?
Just general, sure.

Ever gave a really long apology?
I've definitely mentioned this in a meme before but this reminds me of the several page long apology letters my friends and I would write to each other in middle school and stick them in each other's lockers, l o l.

Where do you think your best friend is right now?
They're scattered all over the place.

Has anyone told you they don't ever wanna lose you?
Idk actually.

Who was the last person you high fived?
Why do I feel like it was an Italian guy...

Whats the last thing that made you smile?
Well my roommate is generally kind of ridiculous and I'm always laughing at her.

Will you be in a relationship next month?
Unless I meet Fabrizio come to life, probs not.

Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?

If someone is interested in you right now, would you like them to tell you?
Um, duh.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Even though I woke up grossly late, to be fair I went to bed at like 4:30am so NOT EVEN THAT MANY.

Who did you last yell at and why?
I haven't yelled here, but I was internally yelling at my roommate/neighbors last night because they were screaming at the top of their lungs outside my window and I wanted to tell them to SHUTTHEFUCKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP

Is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment?

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
The hostel in Edinburgh! Which I weirdly miss...? I had the cutest German roommates.

Who slept in your bed with you last night?
No one.

Has anyone ever called you a bitch?
Abby called me and Victoria "close-minded bitches," so yes! Check that one off the list of life accomplishments.

Will you be a strict parent one day?
Probably a little but not to a ridiculous extent.

Do you go in public looking like you do?
Lol NOPE I'm in my pajamas and my hair is looking truly horrifying.

Do you like Olive Garden?
I've been once and I have zero recollection of how it was, but their commercials always make me hungry.

Are you thinking about someone right now?
Right now no, but I mean, in general I'm almost always thinking about someone or other.

What was the last thing you ate?
A sandwich in honor of National Sandwich day, obv.

Name something you did yesterday?
Ugh had my 9am class which proceeded to fuck me up for the rest of the day.

What color are your eyes?

What's your relationship status?
Perpetually single.

Do you have a chair in your room?
Yes, 2. Aka the place where I throw all my shit.

What are you doing tomorrow?
I don't know yet, maybe seeing a movie at this film festival near me.

Do you know anyone named Betsy?
HEE YES one of my best friend's moms who writes things on my facebook wall like "hey girlfriend!!!"

Is there someone you wish you were dating right now?
I mean, obviously.

Ever been kissed in the rain?

Do you play an instrument?
Flute but I've probably lost most of it, and does ukulele count? Is that douchey? I mean it is an instrument and I can sort of play it.

Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Not really, actually. Also I think that is my #1 most asked question because for some reason people have always assumed that because my mom was a teacher I would be one too?

Is anyone jealous of you?
Doubtful. Actually, that is my automatic reaction to that question but I'm in mothafuckin ITALY right now, people are probably jealous of me.

Do you miss anyone?

Who ended your previous relationship?
N/A fuck you

fuck you

When was the last time you got flowers? & by who?
Prooobably a recital of some sort.

Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Straight. I know everyone wants to kill me when I say this but I honestly do kind of wish it were at least a little wavy. I like waves!

Who was the last person you were in a car with?
The guy who drove me to the airport.

Do you want kids?
I think so.

What's going on between you and the last person you kissed?
fuck you

What friends do you tell the most to?
I can actually say it's probably about even among all my best friends. Except a few of them from home because they DROP OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH and never talk to us during the school year :/

Does anything hurt on your body?
My back hurts, probably from this piece of poop bed.

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
Hm. I guess it depends on how you distinguish between "disappoint" and "piss off," but I was pretty disappointed when I thought I was finally going to go hang out with my roommates at a bar and have a good time and at the last minute they changed their minds and went to the same awful club as they always do.

Do you still talk to that person?

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Probs one of my friends from home.

Anything annoying you right now?
The construction going on across from me. IT NEVER ENDS UGH

Are you going anywhere for the next summer?
Oh jeez, idk. I feel like I REALLY need to get either an internship or a job, mainly an internship, but I don't have high hopes. If everything falls through I'd love to do a helpxchange/wooff type thing in Europe and travel around.

Are you waiting for anyone's call right now?
Nope. No phone.

Who's a guy friend you trust most?
Probably James.

Do you ever think "what if" about anything?
My life.

Do you judge people you don't know?
Also my life.

Who/what is on your mind right now?
The fact that I should probably get my ass in gear but I really don't want to.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
I actually kind of prefer the way things are going right now, tbh.

Would you ever live with anyone on your top friends?
If you substitute top friends with best friends, um yes please.

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?

Its 4am, your phone rings who is it?
Well once again I don't have a phone but if it did, probably someone forgetting about the time difference.

Has anyone called you perfect before?
Ha no.

Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
All 3, but usually side.

How did your day start off?
Waking up to Maddy telling me the construction workers were watching us sleep. No better way to start your day, let me tell you!

Does anyone hate you?
I mean, I don't think Abby and Dan are exactly my biggest fans.

How slowly/quickly would you say you eat?
Totally depends. If I'm talking a lot, I'm usually the last one to finish.

Was there ever a time when you supported a war?

Do you remember how you felt on 9.11? If yes, explain?
I was in 5th grade and I don't think I really got what was going on.

What outfit makes you feel the most attractive?
Well, that doesn't really happen ever but in the spirit of answering the question, I got a dress on a whim before I left and every time I've worn it people have commented on it, so I guess that.

Do you wear any make up? If yes, what?
Honestly I've gotten SO lazy here and straight up never wear makeup anymore, oops, but when I do I just wear mascara and Burt's Bees. If I'm getting real fancy I wear eye shadow.

What do you think of people who always wear make up?
I mean, more power to you, but if you look absolutely ridiculous then I kind of judge you.

What do you think of people who Photoshop their pictures?
Again, I'll probably judge you if you're trying to Photoshop yourself with bigger boobs or something. But I will be truthful here, I have Photoshopped out a zit every now and then. These things happen.

Name a smell that absolutely makes you gag?
The smell of the San Lorenzo market. It is a magical place but it has this overwhelming raw meat smell and it seriously makes me feel sick.

Is there a smell that gives you headaches?
The smell of the mosquito-killing thing next to my bed, it smells TOXIC. I'm probably inhaling so many bad fumes.

What about one that reminds you of the past?
One time I found an old scratch and sniff book from when I was little and it ROCKED MY WORLD. It was like I was transported back to childhood.

When you think about marriage, what thoughts come up?
Well, I love weddings.

What is your least favorite thing about summer?

Least favorite thing about the Holiday season?
Well, now? The whole Christmas/family issue. But before that...I guess I get stressed out thinking of presents for everyone but let's be real, there's not much I dislike about the holiday season.

Would you rather marry your best friend, or your ex-partner? Why?
This whole question is irrelevant but I'm going to say best friend, because chances are if someone is your ex there's a reason for it.

Other than yourself, who knows you the best?
My home friends and actually Victoria, even though I've known her for the least amount of time of any of my friends. We are the same person.

^ How long have you known this person?
Home friends a long ass time, Victoria...wait, is only 2 years and 3 months right? Is that even possible? That feels like NOTHING.

Do you have any embarrassing qualities? Like what?
Um, my entire being?

What did you do the last time you were with friends?
It depends on who is considered a friend...if we're counting my roommates, last night we hung out in the kitchen all night with the oven on because this house is fucking freezing. If we're talking legitimate best friends, the last people I saw before I left were Meghan and Mike and we went out to breakfast/said goodbye.

^ Did you enjoy this activity, or not so much?
Yes to both!

How long have you had your current group of friends?
Home friends- forever. Internet friends- like 5 years. School friends- 2ish years.

What is one complaint that you have about school?
I wish we had less work so I could just travel everywhere all the time.

What do you do while you're on campus, but not in class?
I don't have a campus here but at Drew, chances are I'm either eating lunch or in my room.

What do you think of people that are homeschooled?
As long as it works, why not.

Do you know anyone who has Autism/Aspergers syndrome?
Victoria's brother has Aspergers, but I don't really KNOW him.

Have you ever lived with anyone who had a mental disorder?
*trying really hard not to make an Abby joke trying REALLY hard not to make an Abby joke*

If yes, how was the experience?

Has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you?
If they did I certainly didn't pick up on it.

Do you ever look down on people you don't know?
I try so hard not to, but yes. All the time.

Do you think boys look good in skinny jeans?
Depends on the boy. Most of the time it's douchey.

Do you think it's okay for boys to dress like girls, and vice versa?
Dress however you want!

Have you ever dressed like or worn clothing belonging to the opposite sex?

Is there anyone you admire? What do they do?
I admire a whole lot of people.

When/How did your favorite band become your favorite?
I don't know if I really have a FAVORITE, that's too hard. But I'd say my love for The Weepies was definitely solidified when I went to their concert on a school night in Fairfield last semester...oh and then there's Ingrid and Sara obv. Again, seeing Ingrid in concert tends to do that to you. And for Sara I'd say when Kaleidoscope Heart came out.

How often do you listen to this band?
A lot!

Do you know anyone who has crappy taste in music?

Do you think that you have particularly good taste?
I'm not gonna lie to you here. I think I have awesome taste in music.

Do you judge people by their music preferences?
I shouldn't. But I do.

How DO you judge others?
Pretty much 100% personality. This sounds douchey but I think I'm pretty good at figuring people out pretty quickly, and if I feel like you're not a very nice person, it doesn't matter how awesome and hilarious you are, I probs won't like you.

Do you know anyone who acts like someone they are not?
I think everyone does that to some extent.

What do you think of doing things to fit in?
Again, there's no way everyone doesn't do that sometimes. I can't think of a single example of someone who doesn't. If it gets to a ridiculous degree, then it's obnoxious, but it's human.

What about purposely trying NOT to conform?
Sometimes that's just annoying. Although I was totally like that in elementary school hahaha.

Would you befriend a loner? Why or why not?
Pretty sure I AM a loner so I'll say yes because that would be pretty hypocritical of me.

What do you think of people who litter? Do you?
I mean, I don't think it really has anything to do with someone's character. Litterer does not=bad person. It probably=lazy person, which is me, so.

When was the last time you climbed a flight of stairs?
I have to climb the ridiculous stairs to my apartment multiple times a day. I am going to have thighs of steel.

How much time do you spend online, daily?
Ugh I don't even want to think about it. Having wireless in our apartment is really bad.

Is this more or less than you spent online 3 years ago?
I'm not sure.

Do you remember your first time using the internet?
Haha no.

What went wrong in your previous relationship?
fuck you

If you are in one, is anything wrong with it now?
fuck youuuu

How would you react to being cheated on?
I would not be pleased.

Would you ever consider cheating on another person?
Emotionally cheating I could see. But I would never ever let it cross that line before ending it with the other person first.

Is drinking/smoking a dating deal-breaker for you?
No. But in the long run I feel like dating someone who smokes would not be okay with me.

Or do you drink/smoke as well?
I drink and have smoked...things, but I would by no means consider myself a smoker.

Which do you think is the worst: alcohol, nicotine, or marijuana?

Explain your choice?
This is super vague and I don't REALLY know what I'm talking about but I'm pretty sure nicotine is just medically far worse than the other two things. Alcohol is pretty terrible too, but not in reasonable doses.

What other sites are you on at this time?
Tumblr, gmail, facebook.

Do you have a favorite survey-maker/survey-taker? Who?
This is so myspace.

Do you wear sunglasses regularly?
No, I never remember.

Would you rather have 6 months of extremely cold, winter weather or 6 months of blistering, brain-frying heat?

How would you describe your wardrobe?
I actually have no clue. Comfy?

How much make up is too much?
I hate hate hate really obvious fake tanner. Also when people put on so much mascara that it's all cakey and gross looking.

Is there anyone that you think is ugly?

Have you ever found yourself to be ugly?

What do you think makes a person good-looking?
It's so about personality for me. Like obviously if someone's good looking they're good looking, but there are also people who are not traditionally good looking but their personality makes them super attractive.

How much have you eaten today?
Nothing, actually. I should get on that as it's already 2:30 oh GOD
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