Title: The Triple-Cross
Characters: World's SleaziestGary Glanz, Matches Malone, & Pete the Penman
Summary: The con is complicated, but not half so much as the geometry among these three.
Rating: Adult Filthy
Disclaimer: DC, not me.
Notes: I ignored Waid's Birthright, in that Clark's not a vegetarian. Enormous thanks to
romanyg for bringing Pete the
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Comments 44
Also, you make me want to write Gary/Conner porn. When did Gary Glanz first appear? Young Justice era or Teen Titans?
Gary showed up just the once around ROBIN 113 (immediately prior to the Birthday of Doooooooooooooom); I'm pretty crappy at lining up relative timelines, but I think that roughly corresponds to the start of TT v.3.
There should be something clever here about identities and masks and layers, but I can't quite manage it, and so: wow.
Thank you, sweetness! :D
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Reading your feedback is a great experience and I wish I knew how to thank you properly.
seriously, *where* do you find the phrases they use? Are those just lying around your brain?
*g* A lot of bad movies and pulp novels, I think. Heh.
Awesomely filthy and brilliant. I haven't really wrapped my brain around all the nuances here, or how it's changed yet again the way I see Clark, but I definitely enjoyed it.
P.S. How is Matches so awful and yet hot at the same time? Agh!
OH MY FUCKING GOD....this was...it's....wow.
just...filthy and ovbscene and fucked up and hot and....jesus.
made of porn and win.
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