Jun 04, 2031 22:28


Mun: Jake (barrelrolls) [ player of Mami (headedforhope) Parsee Mizuhashi (bridgetroll) ]
Game: Mayfield mayfield_rpg
Character Name: Wriggle Nightbug
Character Series: Touhou Project
Character Age: Unknown, probably hundreds of years old but she only looks about 12.
Mayfield Address: 1335 Benny Road.

"Father": Drone
"Mother": Alice Hamilton (not_oflegend)
"Brother": Drone
"Sister": Aisling (wolf_faerie)

Background: Touhou Wiki

Personality: Wriggle empathizes deeply with the insects that she controls. When they're insulted in front of her, she becomes hostile and impulsive and often rushes headlong into a fight that she often can't win. This is also true for when someone underestimates or threatens her. She can be stubborn and hardheaded about these matters, even when it leads to her getting a beatdown. For Wriggle, it's very important to answer such offenses with everything she's got. She might - and generally does - ultimately lose, but as long as she gave her best effort to defend the honor of her insects and herself, defeat doesn't really matter. Like her bugs, Wriggle is a survivor and always bounces back.

Her sensitive feelings about her own worth and the treatment of insects are also directly due to the fact that insects are no longer regarded as equals to oni or tengu when it comes to inspiring fear. Not only does it result in her childlike appearance, it also means that Wriggle and her kind are often overshadowed by stronger, more forceful youkai. Wriggle thus feels a need to prove herself to others when these issues crop up, namely by jumping at the chance for a fight or occasionally throwing down the challenge herself. Despite her weak danmaku skills, Wriggle doesn't want for lack of courage or determination when it comes to protecting those important to her; the best example being, yet again, her insects. She appears to expect the same bravery and persistence from her opponents.

However, true to her unpredictable youkai nature, Wriggle isn't always so fierce. Quite the opposite - if it doesn't involve insects or her own significance, Wriggle acts just like a kid; understandable enough, given that compared to most youkai she is one. And like any kid, she can be carefree or lazy or scared or distracted or even unexpectedly kind. She's been described as "expressive" and "innocent". She has no great social skills, no real guile, and, honestly, not much femininity either, being one of the most boyish youkai around. But her interests don't only involve making her bugs fight - she also wants people to realize that they're helpful and useful....and perhaps that extends to wanting others to see her as helpful and useful, given how she's so connected to her insects.

Wriggle also seems to have a selective memory; she remarks that it's not that she forgets things quickly so much as things fade from her memory whenever they're no longer in use. Because of this, Wriggle sometimes makes the same mistakes more than once, and it's difficult for her to hold grudges. She openly admits this, though, and accepts it as just another part of being a bug.

Abilities: Wriggle is a youkai who can manipulate any and all insects; specific examples of this include summoning swarms of harvest mites and synchronizing the movements of fireflies. While Wriggle is pretty weak when it comes to danmaku, Touhou's form of magical combat, her command over the vast and complex insect hordes of the world have the potential to make her a formidable foe in a straight-up fight. Simply being a youkai affords her both an incredibly long lifespan and a certain invulnerability in that she can take a much more brutal beating than a human can. She is also capable of flight.

Sample Entry:

...Huh? Wh-where the heck am I? This definitely isn't the forest. I can see lots of houses through the window, though, so....maybe I'm in a human village? But it's weird, I don't remember any village like this in Gensokyo. And wow, the sun is so bright outside! Why am I even awake? I prefer the night, with a moon overhead and fireflies dancing in my hands, gegege.

Oh, a human's arrived. Um, hello, I'm Wriggle Nightbug, a firefly, and I was wondering if you could tell me- hey, why are you laughing? What? No, I'm not playing a game with you, that's my name! I'm a bug who can control other bugs, like that one over there. See him? It's kinda small, but-

Wh-why did you kill it?! It wasn't doing anything to you! Grr, you humans are always persecuting insects for no reason, especially with your pesticide. Well, I won't let you get away with this! If you won't shoot first, I will!

...wait, why isn't my danmaku working? Why can't I summon my bugs?

What kinda place is this?!


Odds and Ends (or, Assorted Notes And Headcanon That Doesn't Fit Anywhere Else);

Birthplace/Domain: Gensokyo: the Forest of Magic. (Additional information about this location here.)
Threat level: Medium
Human friendship level: Normal
Theme Music: Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect [ "This is Wriggle Nightbug's theme. It always feels so explosively Eastern. I created it with the innocence of an expressive child mixed with the images of night and insects." - ZUN ]
Spell Cards;

Incomplete List of Spell Cards and Relevant Notes (The Grimoire of Marisa)
Imperishable Night: Stage 1
Shoot the Bullet: Level 1

# She hates and is weak against severe cold, fire, and insect repellents. However, most typical bug traps (such as sugar water, bright lights, or even obvious rope snares) are usually extremely effective.

# Her antennae are very sensitive; squeezing them or pulling on them hurts a lot, but gentle treatment produces a nice sensation.

# She cares about all insects equally. That is to say, she doesn't like butterflies more than ants, or beetles more than termites. To her, there's no particular type of bug that's an "acceptable" target for squishing or belittling.

# Fireflies, unlike most bugs, are popular with humans. Since it's hard for humans to exterminate this type of bug, it's easy for them to mature into youkai. In addition to fireflies, butterflies are similarly quite popular with humans, so it's easy for them to become youkai. Since long ago, bug youkai have been the equal of oni and tengu in terms of inspiring fear, but lately they've lost that feeling of dignity. The fact that this bug youkai, who could be called the bugs' leader, has the appearance of a young girl could be considered a symbol of this. ( Perfect Memento )

# She tends to be the most active in spring and fall, and the reverse during winter.


Antennae - [X]
Ability to control insects - [X]
Ability to fly (wings) - []
Ability to use danmaku - [X]
Assorted danmaku Spell Cards - []
Youkai nature - [X]
Clothes - [X]
Weakness to fire, cold, pesticide - [X]
Fail memory - []


Do you like how I play Wriggle? Or do you think I can improve? All advice, critique, suggestions or questions are welcome here! Anon commenting is on, IP logging is off, My Guests is off and comments are screened upon request. If you want to contact me, my AIM is flutterjake and my EMAIL is PMs to this journal also work fine.

ooc: take it easy!!, ooc: misc, ooc: application/hmd

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