
Mar 20, 2006 17:26

I need an audition song for Beauty and the Beast. Anyone?

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Comments 4

an7ie March 21 2006, 00:47:44 UTC
the 'Brooklyn' song "Once Upon A Time" is the biggest-loved hit with the broadway elitests according to John and its delivery is perfect for a Disney-esque exposition. And there are some really good places for your voice, some really high parts because you have such great range.

Break a leg!


musicalactor March 21 2006, 04:21:07 UTC
So you are auditioning for B&B?


glowinthedark16 March 21 2006, 22:33:28 UTC
Well, I think so, but today Dr. J made me realize I really don't like her-she just can't bite her tongue. So, I don't know.


organicolivia March 22 2006, 19:36:25 UTC
What did she say when you talked to her about my point sheet? And how was the 2:45 meeting?


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