May 29, 2008 00:40

So this is a few questions I found interesting from an article with Billie Piper.

I've only taken the bits that I found interesting in terms of Rose as a character and what happens between Rose and the Doctor//Rose and Donna.....

How Rose has changed -
BP: "Rose has changed. She's hardened. She's sad and lonely, but also bolshy and single-minded..."

Relating to Rose and the Doctor -
BP: "What the Doctor was going to say to Rose on Bad Wolf Bay is mentioned"

Rose and Donna in Turn Left -
BP: "Don't automatically assume that Rose is on Donna's side, at least to begin with"

Sounds interesting right - from what I've gathered: Rose is single, the Doctor may tell Rose he loves her and things don't go too smooth between Donna and Rose at first.

(A scene)
'Rose tortures Dalek Cahn in front of Donna, scaring her.'

Now Donna doesn't know the Daleks, or that they are the reason Rose got trapped on parallel earth or that they are the Doctor's greatest enemies - so this may be why she's scared?

Here's a snippet of Rose to Donna:
Donna: "I'm nothing special. I'm a temp! I'm not even that! I'm nothing."
Rose: "Donna Noble, you're the most important woman in the whole of creation."

I think that's quite a thing to say to someone if you're just trying to pick them up from a downer. This sounds like it has much deeper meaning - something to do with the plot?

"It's a bit like the movie 'Sliding Doors', seeing what thier lives would be like if they never met the Doctor"

They said points would be revisited from the whole of 10's era.

Also when asked "Do we see Rose again before Ep. 11?" RTD replied "Keep watching"

What do we think guys?

series 4 spoilers doctor who billie pipe

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