Title: The One Adventure They Could Never Have (Interlude)
Author: glowsticklilz
Character/Pairing: Human!Ten/Rose.
Rating: PG-13 for now.
Summary: Rose and her new Doctor slowly adjust to their new life.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine. All I own are my words.
Author's Notes: A little scene. Mainly Doctor focused, things sort of start flowing
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Comments 7
Can not wait for more!!
I think this is my favorite Ten II/Rose fics I've read. Well done, I don't normally like these as I was rather bitter about the Journey's End, but you are making it better as Ten II is so like Ten :D
And I like how they're aren't immediately jumping into bed but not ignoring how they feel either.
I really am liking this!
ah, never thought I'd see the day! lol
I too felt bitter about Journey's End, which is why I started writing this, made me feel better about the whole thing.
Hope you continue to read, should have the next chapter done soon. :)
Hope to have the next chapter up soon, been a little caught up with everything to focus on this story lately, but recently I've had many waves of inspiration - meaning many more chapters.
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Do you think the human doctor knows about his Donna, what happened to her? Will be mourning that as well? Is Rose missing Mickey.. I know Jackie will be. Perhaps even her son. They seemed really close. ((huggles everyone)) Brilliant update, loving it!
I wanted this to be about how he realises what it's like to be human, and ultimately be human by allowing Rose to comfort him. He has emotions, and he has a different grasp on reality now - and Rose is the one who can comfort him, since she is the only one who understands him and what he's on about half the time.
The Shakespeare bit was because they had been to The Globe in the previous chapter to see Romeo and Juliet - not that he'd actually taken Rose to go and meet him, though in this story he did promise her that he would.
I did briefly mention in a previous chapter that he knew what would have to happen to Donna. Though we haven't really seen him mourn this yet, I probably will work that in, in the future.
As for the Micky references, well just wait and see.
Thanks for reading, love seeing your comments over here too.
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