It seems I have some free time on my hands while preparing for the wedding. Let me tell you a story ...
Once, long ago, there was a great and mighty Avoreal empire ruled by a kind and beautiful Empress. She was wise and just, practical and calculating. She was well-versed in diplomacy and foreign politics and made many allies, but when pretty words would not suffice, she used judicious force to persuade her neighbors to submit to her rule.
At the head of her army was a young Avoreal man. He was of common birth, but possessed keen insight and a strong desire to become a warrior. He trained hard and developed his innate talents at strategy and warfare, learning military tactics and swordplay, and quickly climbed the ranks from lowly soldier to esteemed general of the Empress's army. Though conscious of his lowliness, the General was deeply in love with the Empress and aspired to wed her.
One day, a being of light appeared before the Empress, calling himself the Avatar. He invited her people to participate in a race to claim the Ultimate Prize, a gift of such power, that anyone who possessed it could raise or destroy worlds. Naturally, the Empress sent forth her champion, the General, to act as the representative of the Avoreal Empire.
The General traveled to many worlds and ruthlessly defeated any opponent who stood in his way. He would win the Ultimate Prize and lay it at the feet of his beloved, as proof of his undying love for her. Eventually, the General proved himself victorious and stood before the Avatar's throne. But when the time came for the Ultimate Prize to be awarded, the General was shocked to discover its true nature. They Ultimate Prize was not a physical object: it was the right to become the next Avatar, supreme ruler of the galaxy.
Rather than becoming disappointed, the General graciously accepted the Avatar's mantle. In this way, he could do so much good, not only for the Avoreal Empire, but for the entire galaxy. He would become a kind and just ruler and would use his wisdom and strength to govern over all worlds and spread happiness to all. There was only one condition: to fully acclimate his new body with Oban's powers, the General could not leave his seat of power for a year and a day. Despite this restriction, the General did as the previous Avatar told him to do, awaiting the day when he would finally be reunited with his beloved Empress.
After a year and a day had passed, the General was allowed to leave Oban to visit his home. But when he returned, he discovered that the empire had fallen into a state of decay. Without her mighty General to lead her armies, the Avoreal Empire succumbed to a mighty enemy from beyond the stars. They fought bitterly and tirelessly, but their strength was waning. The General sought out the Empress and told her of the newfound powers that he had been granted. He confessed of his love for her and promised to do everything in his power to drive off the invaders.
The Empress laughed at the General. No, she would not return his love. He had changed too much. The union between gods and mortals was a gap too formidable to surmount. She would fight the invaders on her own with the aid of the old gods. She did not need this new and unfamiliar god to fight her battles for her. The General pleaded with the Empress and supplicated her, but she would not be swayed. She told the General to return to his new home, for the General she once knew was dead to her now.
The General did as he was bid and was forced to watch as his beloved home was destroyed. He possessed the power to save them all, but they refused to accept his aid. So prideful, so foolish, so rebellious. And the General was disappointed to learn that each world he visited and offered to save in exchange for obedience refused his offer. Why didn't they trust his judgment? Why did they cling to their false gods, their paltry idols? Why did they stoutly refuse happiness and eternal life? Why did they flaunt his authority, when he obviously knew what was best for them?
In the end, the General tried to save everyone, and in doing so, saved no one. Frustrated by his inability to change the world into the Utopia he had long envisioned, the General realized the error of his ways. The galaxy was flawed and imperfect from the start. You cannot fix what is broken beyond repair. And so the General set out on a crusade to wipe out every imperfection. He would wipe the slate clean and start anew. He would build a perfect world, a world full of purity, a world without pain. A changeless world of perfect and eternal stillness.
That is the tragic tale of the Empress Galizia and the General Canaletto ...