so far so good, i just got back from a good roadtrip this weekend, and i've survived the onslaught of tests from last week. everything is going well, all in all. i'll see you all soon i'm sure, not until thanksgiving break though... another month and a half. oh well. peace, love, and hugs.
so far college is kicking ass. some of my classes aren't as good as i hoped, but socially its working which is very important, and i'm finally doing some constructive things in my film classes instead of trivial stuff
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... we are continuously distracted from coming to our natural state, our natural being. Throughout our day everything pulls us away from natural mindfulness, from being on the spot. We're either too scared or too embarrassed or too proud, or just too crazy, to be who we are.
so this is a test of the emergency broadcast system you best be frontin, or else you'll be missin' the good and the bad, the safe and the sound it don't matta the world still spins round