Was that from Hamlet? Or some other Shakespeare play? Idk. Anyways I gots words from Elly~
1. Curves- I'm really curvy, and I like clothing that is fitted to show it. :D I wasn't always appreciative of my curves and used to want a thin figure; probably cause I was always called fat as a kid. XD Cause...I was a fat kid. But I'm beginning to appreciate my body for what it is, and I don't always feel the need to change it anymore. I'm still self-conscious and shy about it, but I don't hate it anymore. :D Which is largely thanks to the people who say such nice things to me all the time >w< (especially Jeremy, Elly, Matt, Corinne).
1. Plushes- I've always really loved stuffed animals XD When I was little I had more stuffed animals than girly-girls had Barbies. (I had Barbies too though. They would be veterinarians to my plushes. XD) I've always loved animals, and there are so many of them that I'll probably never seen in person. I guess collecting stuffed animals is my way of expressing my love for animals? And being able to have something in one form that I couldn't keep in another form? (Cause I'm pretty sure New Carrollton zoning laws would not permit me to keep a giraffe in the backyard >x>) And I get really attached to them too. Every one of my plushies has a name. Jeremy says it's weird, but in a cute way? Maybe plushes are also a way of holding onto my childhood in a way that isn't self-defeating?
2. Interracial Relationships- I've never really been attracted to someone of my own race. XD Of two people I've dated, Jeremy being the second (and hopefully the last >w<), both are black. (The first one swears up and down he's at least 1/4 Japanese. ...But he also swears that he and Chris Brown are BFF and that he's a ninja. So yeah.) I've never really felt that interracial relationships are all that special or unique, cause it's just two people dating. I've never seen/heard comments directed towards me and Jeremy, but he has. I guess I'm oblivious? XD The only problem for me is my family. My mom and dad and siblings don't really care, and neither would some of my cousins and one aunt. But the rest of my family I'm not so sure about. My grandfather is extremely racist (He told me he'd disown me if I married a black man.) and I don't know who else shares his bigotry so I can't really bring Jeremy to family functions. Which sucks. But oh well :D I'm happy anyway cause I have someone who loves me, regardless of color.
3. Home- is not really my favorite place to be. I don't get along with my dad at all, and it's one of his missions in life to make me feel as much like shit as he possibly can. He never gets tired of making fun of me (He makes jokes about my bladder disorder. Let's see YOU have to pee like 8 times in two hours and still think it's funny.) or telling me that I'm lazy or worthless or whatever. And he feels the need to blast his fucking stereo at max volume. I don't particularly care to listen to your shitty music. Buy some fucking headphones. He never does it when people outside the family are here though so I don't really complain much. Except on LJ, cause it's my journal and I'll bawww if I want to. I also don't really like being at home because I'm ALWAYS here. I rarely get to go out and do things that don't involve running errands with my mother. So I'm sort of tired of being stuck in my house. Especially because my grandmother now lives with us because we have nowhere else to send her. She only bathes when she's forced to, she eats all the food that Kylie and I buy for our lunches, she bitches to mom about needing bills paid, etc. And her dog has been trying to dig underneath our house :/ I feel bad for complaining though, because so many people have it so much worse than I do. I feel like I don't have much right to complain. But talking about it keeps me from doing other things.
4. School- is my escape. Here, I'm not stuck with people I don't like being around. I get to be with Jeremy, I get to do roughly whatever I feel like doing. I see people that I would never see otherwise. I dread breaks and vacations because that means no more escape.
Comment here if you want me to tell you words I associate with you 8D Then post a journal like this one, telling what these words mean to you.
EDIT: Now with moar words 8D From Jeremy~!
1. Jeremy- is the love of my life >w< I'm so happy we met. Nobody makes me happy the way he does. He makes me feel special and beautiful and like I'm worth it. I feel so lucky to have found someone I want to be with forever at such a young age. <3 I loves my baby.
2. Art- I love drawing. I've doodled and drawn since I was a kid. I used to draw animals, but now I just draw people and furries XD I can't draw quadrupedal animals anymore. I used to want to pursue a career in art but I don't think I'm cut out for it. I don't like criticism unless I ASK for it. If I don't ask, shut your trap cause chances are I already know what I messed up on. I can take critiques fine if I actually ask for one. I'm going through a period now where all I want to do is draw. XD A few months ago my sketchbooks and pencils were just sitting untouched. Now I'd rather draw than do almost anything else. XD I've gotten really into furry/anthro art. I still think furries can be really fuckin weird, but the art is adorable.
3. Pokemans- I got into it when I got Yellow version, and I've loved it ever since. I have Yellow, Gold, Silver, Ruby, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Soul Silver, and Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. I have cards and a few plushies. When I was a kid I used to pretend I either was or had a Pokemon. And I still wish they were real XDD Fuck cars, I got a Pidgeot~~ I'm not into competitive battling, I just play the game. Espeon and Tyranitar are my favorites >W< They're both adorableee.
4. Sex- Jeremy would pick this word. XD I don't really know what to say that wouldn't be TMI to the majority of people reading this. That, and I don't have much experience anyway so I don't have much to talk about XD
5. Anime- I used to be reeeeally into anime when I was in high school. I watched nothing but anime on TV, I drew nothing but anime style. I was a srs weeaboo; I used Japanese words like "kawaiii" or "baka" all the time rofl. I also did that whole goth thing. I even wore cat ears on occasion XD I gave all my plushes Japanese names, I went by a Japanese name and called everybody that mattered -chan or -kun. I still watch anime, just not as much. My tastes have changed a tiny bit, but I still generally like the same things XD I still love cute things (obviously) and all that stuff.