Zach Misses Chris

Oct 15, 2010 23:55

rating: g
summary: Distance is a rather large number.
disclaimer: Yeah.
a/n: this was written as a fill for a prompt on trek_rpf_kink.

Zach is happy for Chris. No, really. This is a great opportunity for him. It's just that, it's a great opportunity that happens to be 3000 miles away. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just, you know, far. Had this giant gap between New York and Los Angeles always existed?

Zach supposes that maybe, he misses Chris. Maybe just a little.

It's weird though, because they talk everyday. Absolutely nothing changes, except that they go running alone. Sometimes, Zach takes Noah running with him, but it's not the same because no matter how smart that pup is, he can't discuss Tolstoy.

They text frequently. It's usually pointless.

Don't forget your script.

I know, Zach. Thanks.

Sometimes, it's semi-important.

Zoe wants to visit you.

I think you mean she wants to see Denzel.

Sometimes, it's just them.

I got food poisoning. :( I miss LA.

Zach likes to think that that means Chris misses him, too. He mulls over his answer because he can't sound too whiny (because that's obnoxious) and he can't sound too nonchalant (because that's just douchebaggery).

Hey, when are you coming home?

rating: g, rpf, pairing: pinto, genre: canon, fandom: star trek xi

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