I am tired. I don't know why, but for the last few weeks I am dragging my ass. I don't get it!?!? I'm sleeping at night, I should be good to go. I was going to go to A&S tonight, but like last week, I'm pooped. And TJ is working until 7, so by the time he gets home, and we eat, and I get there, it will be almost ober.
Comments are screened. If you've ever had a smidge of a crush on me, feel free to comment below. I won't mock you, and only you and I will ever know. Then post this in your own LJ and see who might be crushing on you.
glynis_fawr's LJ stalker is merry_mc!merry_mc is stalking you because you said something bad about them on your LJ. They are also not very liked around here!