So, no doll stuff this weekend, either. My ferret became very sick at a speed that laughs in the face of medical science. I am now hunting for emergency vets that take ferrets. These are rare, as it happens.
A week ago I noticed some weight loss. I checked him over, but his coat was good and he was in high spirits. I figured he was bored with his food, so I started adding Ferretone to make it more attractive. It seemed to work.
Wednesday night he wouldn't eat his treat. !!!! Frank never turns down a treat. I checked him over minutely. I noticed a thin patch of fur on his hip. That would be adrenal disease. Very serious, but about 90% recovery rate with treatment. I start mashing up canned food with water and feeding him that. He eats it happily. I make a plan to call vets and get something scheduled after paypay next week.
Today. He can barely move. He continues to eat the mash, but he needs my help to do it. He has visibly lost more weight. Really? Also, his decreased mobility has also created waste evacuation issues that I am having trouble keeping his fur clean of.
How he got from, "No treat for me tonight," to "I am going to die," three days, that I can't guess. Still, I will get him to a vet. Even if all they can do is end his suffering, I will make something happen.