Maybe so, but at least you have a budget, and in that you have an advantage over most Americans.
I make heavy use of my OpenOffice Calc in budgeting. I have made spreadsheets that predict my paychecks and that track my gasoline usage. It really helps to have an idea well in advance of what I'm going to get and how quickly I'm going to use it.
"Maybe so, but at least you have a budget, and in that you have an advantage over most Americans." Ha! I agree with you. =:oD Most Americans' only budget, is Budget by MasterCard. =;o)
/ Visa - it's everywhere you don't wanna be. =;o) / or.. Vista! =xoD
Although it is - admittedly - more expensive than "straight" tap water, you might want to try a reverse osmosis system.
We've had one for a few years now.. got it from Sears, for a little under $200. The filters cost about $40 every six months, with the membrane being about $100, I've been told - but we haven't had to change the membrane yet, and it's been 3 years.
It's certainly cheaper than Perrier water, though! =xoD I did the math.. and the cost of filters - including a membrane change once every 3 years - comes out to about $0.05/gallon, if the machine is run at peak output.
Sure beats $2.00 for a litre... =;o)
Tastes better than tap, and is probably a bit lower in chemicals, as well.
One possible complication, though, would be if you couldn't have anything installed to the plumbing. If that's the case.. then you might want to look at an on-tap filter. I don't know too much about those, though - I can only vouch for RO. =;o)
The comment came when I told a friend I wanted to go to Johnny Rocket's for lunch, and he remarked how expensive my tastes were. Yes, I can get a decent burger at a fast food place, but ...
Comments 5
Maybe so, but at least you have a budget, and in that you have an advantage over most Americans.
I make heavy use of my OpenOffice Calc in budgeting. I have made spreadsheets that predict my paychecks and that track my gasoline usage. It really helps to have an idea well in advance of what I'm going to get and how quickly I'm going to use it.
Ha! I agree with you. =:oD Most Americans' only budget, is Budget by MasterCard. =;o)
/ Visa - it's everywhere you don't wanna be. =;o)
/ or.. Vista! =xoD
We've had one for a few years now.. got it from Sears, for a little under $200. The filters cost about $40 every six months, with the membrane being about $100, I've been told - but we haven't had to change the membrane yet, and it's been 3 years.
It's certainly cheaper than Perrier water, though! =xoD I did the math.. and the cost of filters - including a membrane change once every 3 years - comes out to about $0.05/gallon, if the machine is run at peak output.
Sure beats $2.00 for a litre... =;o)
Tastes better than tap, and is probably a bit lower in chemicals, as well.
One possible complication, though, would be if you couldn't have anything installed to the plumbing. If that's the case.. then you might want to look at an on-tap filter. I don't know too much about those, though - I can only vouch for RO. =;o)
The comment came when I told a friend I wanted to go to Johnny Rocket's for lunch, and he remarked how expensive my tastes were. Yes, I can get a decent burger at a fast food place, but ...
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