Facts and myths about Obamacare

Aug 13, 2012 12:08

Some resources for Americans who want to educate themselves about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (which I will refer to as "the ACA"), otherwise known as "Obamacare." I will be updating this post with more information as I come across it, so check back once in a while if you're interested.

Updated August 13, 2012


Official US governnent website for the ACA: Loaded with important information and a great place to start learning about the law.

Full text of the June 28, 2012 SCOTUS ruling

11 Facts About the ACA: by Ezra Klein. "In the past week, both Alec MacGillis and Sabrina Tavernise have written articles touching on how little the uninsured actually know about the Affordable Care Act. Given that polling shows the law remains unpopular even as its component parts - with the notable exception of the individual mandate - are very popular, it seems they’re not alone. So here’s a refresher on some of the law’s most significant policies and consequences."

National Physicians Alliance Foundation Overview of the ACA: "The Affordable Care Act gives millions of Americans access to reliable, high quality health care, while keeping costs in check. This guide summarizes key provisions of the law by the year they go into effect." A good source of info on the key provisions of the law if you don't have the time to wade through all the details in the official website.

Explain it to me like I'm five: What exactly is Obamacare and what did it change?: A great discussion on Reddit.

Health reform subsidy calculator: "This tool illustrates premiums and government assistance under the health reform law signed by the President. Beginning in 2014, tax credits will be available for people under age 65 who purchase coverage on their own in a health insurance Exchange and are not covered through their employer, Medicare or Medicaid. The tool allows the user to examine the impact at different income levels, ages, family sizes, and regional costs."

ACA FAQs: From the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation


Medicare Facts & Fiction: Quick lessons to combat spin: From the Center for Medicare Advocacy. "As pundits and politicians continue to discuss the deficit, misinformation and confusion about Medicare and the Affordable Care Act abound. All too often, facts seem to be drowned out by fiction. Particularly since the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable care Act, we are hearing a lot of misinformation about the law and its impact on Medicare. As these Myths make news - and old Myths make news again - the Center will respond with facts and information."

Comically Awful Survey Says 83 Percent Of Doctors Might Quit Over Obamacare: "The Doctor Patient Medical Association's founder is a long-time veteran of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a collection of crackpot malcontents that opposes mandatory vaccinations, wrongly believes undocumented immigrants spread leprosy, and dabbled in Vince Foster conspiracy theorism. The group itself is solidly conservative in its politics: it boasts membership in the National Tea Party Federation; describes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as 'Destruction Of Our Medicine,' or DOOM; and published a sheet of talking points about the health law to help grassroots activists 'beat back the White House spin machine!' But what about this improbable survey indicating that more than 3/4 of doctors have considered hanging up the stethoscope rather than tolerate Obamacare? Well, the first thing to point out is that the survey didn't actually ask about the Affordable Care Act."

No, Obamacare isn't 'the largest tax increase in the history of the world' (in one chart): from Ezra Klein. It isn't even CLOSE.

Everybody Can Chill Out About The Individual Mandate: It's essentially toothless: "Read section (2). It says that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, if you don't buy health insurance as required by the individual mandate and you also fail to pay the 'penalty' (all as set forth in the rest of 26 USC § 5000A), then the government can't prosecute you criminally or enforce any other criminal penalty. Moreover, the IRS can't go after any of your property the way it usually does (through tax liens or levies). In other words, the individual mandate is pretty darn toothless."

Let's be clear about ACA and taxes: "It's clear that the Republicans are going to try to cash in on Chief Justice Robert's ruling that the mandate is constitutional because of Congress' taxing authority. The big line they're using is 'See...we told you President Obama would raise your taxes!' To those of us who know about what is in the health care reform bill, this is ridiculous. But just in case you run into people who don't have that information, here are some facts that might be helpful."

Debunking common myths about healthcare reform: From the Washington Post, January 11, 2011

"Obamacare:" Debunking the myths of health insurance reform: This one is a little old. It was written before the law was passed and includes a lot of discussion of the sadly lamented public option that did not make it into the final version of the bill, but there are tons of other great information there about many common myths about the law.

Yet more debunking of common myths about the law: From the website of Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy.

politics, election '12, oooooh-bama!

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