Title: Old Friends, Rituals, and Reassurances
Fandom: Homeland
Characters: Carrie Mathison, Saul Berenson, Frank Mathison
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Everything here belongs to other people and I'm playing with it without their permission.
Summary: An old friend helps Carrie put a few things into perspective.
Warnings: Spoilers for season 3, including
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Comments 6
You have their voices so perfect, I could hear them just right in my head.
I can't remember, was Nicole the canon name for the baby? If not, good choice!
Love the last line, perfect ending. :)
Nicole is the name I picked for her, which will no doubt be jossed in episode 1 of the next season. It just seemed right to me that Carrie would name her after Brody.
So glad you enjoyed it! Hope you're feeling better. *hugs*
I suspect you're right. It's a great name, but it'll likely be jossed.
Thanks! *hugs!*
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