Thank you for offering to write in my fandoms! I can't wait to see what you come up with! :D
For all of the fandoms I requested, I'm good with either smut or gen. If you decide to go smutty, it doesn't have to be graphic. Smutty suggestions and fade to black are just as good (though I will certainly be happy with graphic, too). I would happily accept het, slash, or femmeslash. Or gen! Don't forget the gen if that's what floats your boat.
Stuff I love:
- Missing canon moments
- Humor
- Teasing (though not to the point of humiliation)
- Domestic situations (including kids and animals, if you want to go that route)
- Characters living their everyday lives, with maybe a twist of something out of the ordinary changing their plans for the day and who knows what can happen from there?
- Characters just sitting around talking and having fun or even fighting with one another; in fact, progression from fun to argument to eventual resolution is one of my very favorite tropes
- Angst, though not so much with the "Character A is very, very sick and Character B is wringing his hands over it" scenarios
- Happy or ambiguous endings
- Plot twists, though PWP works, too
- First time fics are always fun, especially of the "I know we've been friends/co-workers forever, but I've suddenly realized I'm totally in to you and really want to be with you" variety, and even more especially if it takes a little work to bring the other person around to that point of view
As far as squicks go, I'm not crazy about crossdressing or genderbending. Please don't kill any characters that don't die in canon. No mpreg or crossovers, please. Also, I seriously dislike the 2nd-person POV, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't go that route.
Here are a few prompts and ideas for each of my requested fandoms, but I'm by no means married to any of them. If you have a cool idea that doesn't fit the prompts, go for it!
MASH (TV): Hawkeye Pierce
Hawkeye is one of my favorite characters ever. I love his humor, I love his angst (a lot!), I love his dedication, I love his humanity and all of his many flaws. I'd really like to see what happens to him after he gets back to Crabapple Cove when the war is over. I imagine his transition was tough but wonderful at the same time. I would really enjoy seeing him try to fit back into his life at home, maybe dinner with his father that first night, maybe an old friend dropping by, maybe it'a a lot harder for him to be home than he thought it would be because so much changed while he was gone. I would also be very happy with any missing canon moments, or any other post-canon scenario (maybe he and BJ actually do meet up a medical convention or something a few years down the road and hijinks - or serious business - or both! -- ensue). Feel free to include any of the other canon characters you want (except for Henry or Trapper, please; I seriously dislike both of them), as long as Hawkeye is the focus.
Homeland: Carrie Mathison, Saul Berenson
The friendship these two share is probably my favorite friendship on TV. They obviously care very deeply about one another, not just as colleagues but on almost a father/daughter level. The smile of relief Saul gives her at the end of Season 2 when he realizes she's not dead absolutely slays me every time I watch that ep. I would really enjoy seeing a friendship fic between these two. I wrote some backstory for them last Yuletide, and it's one of my favorite of my own fics because it was so fun to write. I'd love to see someone else's take on how these two got to be such good friends. And although I see them as primarily platonic, I have no objection to seeing them paired up, so if that's your inclination, go for it!
Episodes (TV): Sean Lincoln, Beverly Lincoln, Carol Rance, Matt LeBlanc
I am hopelessly, desperately in love with this show and would love just about anything for it. No, really. Go anywhere you can with it. I'm thinking it might be fun to have Sean, Matt, Beverly, and Carol at a Pucks! party, or Sean and Beverly dealing with being forced to return to LA and Carol and Matt trying (maybe failing?) to make it easier for them, or maybe Beverly and Carol are at a bar having a girl's night out while Matt and Sean are at another bar having a guy's night out. Fic featuring any one of them with or without the others will also be fabulous (i.e., don't sweat the pairings -- het, slash, femmeslash, or gen are all good for me). Wherever you want to go with it, I'm sure I will love it.
Most of all, have fun! And big thanks in advance for writing for me.