The next recipe is
There wasn't a lot to this one. It's a salad: Easy to make, unpleasant to eat. Actually, that last bit is really just my prejudice. I've never really liked salad, there's something about rabbit food that just doesn't appeal. I invented a fictional alien race who invaded another planet just because all they had to eat was salad. And in my defense salads that I have eaten are usually is just really boring and slightly unpleasant tasting.
However, the salads I've done out of the book have been really good. One of the best recipes so far was the beetroot and goat cheese salad. And this one, though simple, was also really tasty. I'm in danger of having to overthrow all my hard won salad prejudices!
Making the salad itself is pretty much just what the title says and then put some dressing on it. The dressing was made from balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil and, to my great surprise, made the rabbit food actually palatable.
I wouldn't say that it's up there with beetroot and goat's cheese or even that it one of the nicer recipes in the book but then again, it's a salad. If you absolutely must have a salad then you could do worse.