Title: Internet Sampler
Media: Excel, Photoshop,
Crosstitch.com Caption Maker,
alphabet by Carrie's Creations, graphics from Windows, IE, and Firefox
Notes: An illustration for
Mina de Malfois and the Attempted Coup (part three). Mina belongs to herself, not to me.
"Someday, when I have an idle hour to fill, I intend to cross-stitch myself a sampler and hang it on the wall above my computer, after the manner of the pioneers. At the top I’ll set my most oft-uttered prayer: Thank you, internet, for letting me observe so many crazy people from a safe distance."
Since I first read that line, there have been so many occasions when I've been reminded of it. Because yes, thank you, internet. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that our dear Mina is on to something there. I had an idle hour to fill. Does this make me a minion?
Here's a
larger size (1804 x 1305 px, 737k), or click through image.
the "pattern" (1792 x 1298 px, 150k) before it got masked and layer-effected and liquified.]
It's probably obvious from the nature of this thing, not to mention the nature of my other art, but let me make it clear: I do not exclude myself from The Crazy.
icefalcon stitched a real one!]
sailorcoruscant stitched another real one!]
And so did wendyblackheart!]