WIP meme (art version)

Mar 01, 2009 18:07

I've seen the "quote a sentence from my WIPs" meme around my flist, and I wanted to play, too.

[ETA: via rexluscus, "Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!"]

I have way more ideas than I'll ever finish.

It's funny, the differences between forms -- and this is something I remember talking about with a couple of you recently -- how text relates to drawings relate to vids relate to graphics.... Drawings are composed of shapes in the way that stories are composed of sentences, but cropping out a shape isn't really analogous to cropping out a sentence. A slash of color can't necessarily stand alone as a complete idea, independent from its context, in the way a sentence can.

art, memes, art: wip & process

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